Hey everyone, it's an annoying day here so I'm trying to turn that frown upside down and think about awesome things! Please comment with something making you happy or excited or pleased or whatever right now, however big or small!
One thing pleasing me is this new trend of photo montage art: fake romance novel covers.
Here's one made for Hawaii 5-0 (Danny/Steve, natch). Too fun.
I have two Dreamwidth invite codes if anyone wants them, though I think all of you who want to be at DW are already there. That said, I love it when people post on DW because I can expand their cut tags without leaving my reading page, which is an awesome feature. Also the post length is longer so I don't have to divvy up my fics as much.
I'm really looking forward to the return of Community and White Collar next week, and Glee and Justified in February.
I'm nearly finished with the Ryan/Simon stories I wanted to get posted before the debut of the new Idol (s3, s4 rewrite, some smut). I don't think the season 9 Crystal-centered 70's femslash AU will be done by then, though I'm working on it as we speak. Perhaps I will write that today at work!
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