So, it seems that this year, I am still somewhat insane. Yep, I am going to attempt NaNoWriMo again.
This is my third time at NaNo-ing, and I've won the last two years. Hopefully I can do it again.
I've got a small problem, though. From the 21st to the 24th, I'll be going away with friends, so that may cause a slight bump in the road. But, because this year I'm overachieving, I hope to have my 50k done before I leave for my trip. Yes, I know, I'm crazy.
I'm hoping on finishing one novel (60-80k) and starting another (which is, incidentally, the sequel to last year's NaNo.
aekubo, I give you permission to squee)
So what's my NaNo novel about? Well, in short, zombies, voodoo and flappers. I've been preparing for it for the last few weeks, I even have an outline (sort of), which is really unlike me.
Anyways, if you're doing NaNo this year, feel free to
buddy me.
Good luck!