Some more thoughts on editing.

May 13, 2011 20:24

Posting twice in one day, weird, I know.

As some of you might know, I am in the middle of edits for my '10 NaNo novel (yeah, I know novel is redundant, sort of like PIN number and ATM machine, but I love saying those kind of things because it annoys people). Let me tell you, it has been hellish. I must have read my novel about twelve times already, and let me tell you, no matter how many times you read your work and wish it gets better, it doesn't. Ugh, how sucky is that?

I've never really properly edited a novel before. I tried with my first real novel, Ruby Red, but stopped after a while because of boredom and because a book had gotten published with the same name, so I got sad.

But I promise that I'm not going to stop editing this one. I want to be a writer. I want to be an author. I want people to read my work. I want to be rewarded for all my hard work. I WILL PERSEVERE. I WILL SEE MY BOOKS UP ON GOODREADS AND I WILL GET STELLAR REVIEWS FOR EACH OF THEM. (Or in any case, I'll be pleased with just having my book on GoodReads).

Editing is hard.

It's not all fun and games that those fancy-pants writers want you to believe (okay, so maybe it is a bit fun...)

It takes time and effort and patience.

And most of all, I think it takes a lot of spirit. If you don't really want to be a writer, if you don't really want to spend months years rereading your story and making changes to it and killing your babies, it'll be hard to move forward. If you're not willing to put your everything into it to make it the best you can, you're not going to get far.

Now, of course, I'm hardly speaking from experience. I'm not published. Hell, I don't even have an editor yet. But I want it badly, so I'm going to keep trying until I get this story perfect.

I'm going to keep at it for as long as it takes to become published. :)

Even if it kills me... :-/

life, nano'10, wip, editing, inspiration, writing, rambling, fool's gold, random

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