Oct 31, 2004 23:33
ok, I started in on this earlier, and then netscape shut down on me. Then I started netscape back up and my damn computer restarted itself. Fucking piece of shit.
Ok, this is insanely long...hope you have something to eat or drink....or both before you start reading.
Where do I start....oh, yeah...Thursday. Thursday, threesixtysmile had a show down in Soulard at the Soulard Ale House. I work for the band, so I ran merch for them again that night.
Well, let's see...the day started for me around 4pm when I was over at my friend Amanda's house dropping off some stuff for our party on Saturday. She had made a bunch of jello shots and cherry bombs, so I was loading up on those....pure vodka baby! BTW, vodka is SO not my friend. This weekend reminded me why I STOPPED drinking vodka in the first place.
So, I left her house around 5 and got down to Soulard around 6. Josh and Jessi got there right as I did. So Jessi gets out of her car and runs over to mine and jumped in. She threw a bottle of Country Time Lemonade at me and told me to drink it. I'm no moron, so I asked what was in it, she said.....vodka, of course. So we down that. Then Boyer pulls up and he has Natas and Johnny with him. Johnny gets out and asked if I wanted a beer. Naturally, I said yes. So I downed that.
Well, about 10 minutes later, Johnny, Jessi, and I are outside. Well, Boyer, Natas, and Josh kept showing up too, they were unloading the trailer. Anyways, almost every time I see Johnny, I have a new line for him. So, naturally, I had a new one again on Thursday. Johnny was standing on the street and I was up on the curb. I put my arms around his neck and said, "I gotta question for you baby." He wanted to know what it was and I said, "Do you wanna play war with me?" He asked how we played it and I said, "Well, war is where you lay on the ground and I blow the fuck out of you..."
His eyes got so huge and he blushed really bad. He smiled at me really big and said, "You are BAD!" well I asked him if I could have a kiss. He gave me a cute little shy smile and said, "WEEEEEEEEEEEELL...a quick one." So he kissed me and then said, "oooh you see that! There is a guy inside the bar with a camera recording that, now I'm going to get in trouble!" LOL, I told him, "So what, let him record it!" He was joking about the camera anyways. So anyhow, Johnny had stepped up onto the curb and he looked down at me and smiled and said, "You have really soft lips."
Jessi came out and was talking to me, Johnny was standing there when I told her what I had said to him. Johny smiled at me and said, "I still like the first line you ever used on me, the one about my socks..." I smiled and said, "What, 'those socks are very becoming on you....if I was on you, I'd be cumming too.'?" LOL, he smiled really big and said, "Yeah, that one." Jessi was cracking up so hard when she heard that.
We went inside for a few minutes and I told Josh what I had said to Johnny. And for the rest of the night, lol, Josh would say, "Johnny, Jamie wants to play war with you, are you going to play?" At one point, Josh said that to Johnny and he said, "What, cards??" I smiled coyly at him and said, "No baby, MY war..." He got this goofy grin on his face and blushed. I walked over to him and pulled his ear down to my mouth and whispered in his ear, "Baby, I will suck your dick until your toes curl." LMAO @ his face. I wish I had a picture of it. Well Josh told Johnny at one point that night that he (being Johnny) should get out with me because I'd suck his dick all night. LOL, I told Johnny it was true.
During the night, Johnny was getting steadily more aggravated. He told me that if he was mean to me at any point, he was sorry and wanted to apologize in advance for anything he said that may upset me. He was pissed off because Natas was being a dick. I told Johnny he hadn't been mean to me yet, and even if he said something mean, I wouldn't care because he was even sexier all worked up. He smiled at me really big and said, "Thank you, that really makes me feel a lot better." I asked him if I could have another kiss, he said, "Maybe later, in private." I never did get another kiss from him. Oh well....what can you do.
So, during the show, I was running their merch, as I usually do at their shows. Well, Johnny's step-dad, Rocky, was sitting with me keeping me company. By this time, I was pretty drunk because I had done a few shots of whatever it was that Jessi brought me. She had also been sharing her drinks with me all night and had bought me a vodka and cranberry juice. I had also downed about 5 beers. So I got pretty blitzed. Well anyways, Rocky accidentally dropped his glass and it broke. Well, because vodka makes me really smart, I got down and swept up the glass....with my bare hands. 15 minutes later, I realized that I had cut my finger open. Now, I didn't even know I had cut myself because I never felt the glass penetrate my skin. I was wondering what was on my hand because it was sticky and wet. So I looked down and saw blood all over my hand. I asked Rocky to watch the table for me so I could go wash my hand. I walk by the stage and Johnny is standing there setting shit up for their show. He asked where I was going. I held up my hand and he said, "OUCH! How the FUCK did you do that???" I told him he really didn't want to know, lol.
Anyways, by the end of the show that night, I was sitting with my head on the table. I couldn't even sit up anymore. Jump up about 45 minutes, I'm trying to make my way to the bathroom and in the process, ran into about 5 chairs, 2 tables and 2 walls. Josh comes running up to me, put his arm around me and asked if I was ok. I told him I was fine, lol. He said, "BULLSHIT, you can barely WALK! You're NOT driving home. Sleep in your car, I do it all the time." I looked at him and said, "Josh, it takes less coordination to drive than it does to walk. I'll be fine."
I stayed at the bar for another 30 minutes and sobered up pretty damn good. Well I go outside and Josh and Jessi are getting ready to leave. I see Johnny standing on the sidewalk and I go over and start talking to him. He said, "Holy Shit! You're still here!!! I thought you left, I haven't seen you in so long." LOL. Well we were talking for a while. Jump through the conversation, he said to me, "I really wish that I could go home with you. I like you a lot and I wish things weren't the way they are. Things are just really bad right now and I feel so bad that it has to be this way. Please don't hold any of this against me." And OMG at the look on his face. I smiled at him and told him that I totally understand where he is coming from and that I would never hold ANYTHING against him...EVER. The look of relief that came over his face....I feel so bad for him.
Things are so messed up for him. And I made it clear that if he left Amy, he could move in with me. This is where I got really upset Thursday night and spent an hour on the phone with my friend in Vancouver, bawling. He told me that, after Amy, he is never going to live with another female again, nor is he going to have a monogamous relationship. My gf I was on the phone with, Liz, told me to calm down and not worry about it. Johnny has very low self-esteem right now because of what Amy has done to him. She said he'll eventually come around. I just have to keep on like I've been doing and keep building his confidence up. Get him to leave her, keep working on building his confidence...and then he'll come around and he'll want to be with me. Well, I care about him so fucking much. So I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get him.
Anyways, besides my vodka induced idocricies and everything that happened that night, it was, all in all, a good night.
On to Friday. I didn't get much sleep on Thursday night/Friday morning. I was suffering from a MAJOR vodka induced hangover. Well anyways. I was supposed to go see moderndayzero at the Hard Rock Cafe, but I bailed on that and went out to Affton to see threesixtysmile again. They played at a bar called the Ten Mile House. That place is TINY. Well since it was Friday and it was a Halloween show, I went in costume. I was walking up the sidewalk and seen Boyer. He starts cracking up and told Johnny to come get a load of my costume. Well, I went around the corner to where they parked the truck and trailer and was talking to Johnny. LOL, I'm not going into everything that was said and done back there. The gist of it is though, he said that I really turn him on and that I am bad. I told him, "Yeah, but you know you like it." He said, "Yes I do!"
LOL. I didn't run merch on Friday since they didn't know I was coming to the show. They had found somebody else to run it. Which left me free to roam around the bar all night long.
When I got there, Johnny kept apologizing about the night before in Soulard. Saying he was sorry about how he acted. I told him that he did nothing wrong and that there was no need for apologies. I told him that if he had done something that upset me, I would have said so, but he didn't, so not to worry about it. We talked for a good bit about everything that is going on. I told him that I have a lot of money coming in soon and that I have every intention of buying him from Amy. He blushed bright red and said, "Really?!? Wow, that is the most flattering thing anybody has every said about me!" Actually though, one of the first things he said to me was, "I thought you weren't coming tonight. How can you do this to your boys??" I told him that I really wanted to see him again and he gave me a somewhat shy smile and said, "Well I'm glad you came, I'm really happy to see you."
.....I wonder if Amy would go for that...me buying him from her.
I had guys and girls hitting on me in my costume. LOL. I had one creepy old man that wouldn't leave me alone and he about got jumped. Josh flipped out because the guy was creeping me out and went off on him for like 15 minutes straight. The guy disappeared and Josh told me that if I EVER have ANY problems with ANY guys at one of their shows, whether it be a stranger, or a guy that they (the band) are friends with, to let him know. That I am like a sister to him and if anybody fucks with me, they're fucking with him. Boyer was standing there and piped up, "and if anybody fucks with him, they're fucking with me, and so on...you know, I used to box for 5 years..." and Boyer is a BIG boy...I wouldn't want to be on the recieving end of his punch. Also, before the thing with Josh transpired, Jessi tried to help me out and started kissing me. LOL, she told the guy that I was her gf and she didn't appreciate him trying to hit on me. ROLFMAO!!! That was too funny.
Anywho, drank a lot more vodka on Friday because Jessi kept splitting her drinks with me, lol. But I didn't get blitzed like the night before. I did have fun though. Stacy, Natas' gf took some pics for me since I didn't have a camera with me. I need to get ahold of her to get those.
It was really funny, Boyer and Johnny both kept telling me how hot I was in that costume all night. They both really really really like it. In fact, lol, I got Boyer to kiss me! ROFLMAO!
Oh, speaking of Boyer, he is SUCH a nut. He walks by me and starts saying, "Come here, come here come here, come here" really fast and the tone in his voice made it sound like he had something important to say. So I go over to him and he hold up both his hands..of which there is a drink in each...and says, "NEVER....let me go out in public alone!" ROFLMAO!!! He is SO funny.
Right before I left, Johnny gave me a big hug...and in FRONT of Amy, looks me up and down and said, "You look SO HOT tonight!" I hope he didn't get in trouble for that. I wouldn't doubt if he did though.
And ew...Amy....she talked to me for like 45 minutes on Friday. I tried to keep things civil, so I talked to her as well. I can't stand that bitch. She is SO fake.
OHHHHHHHHH FUNNY SHIT!!! 360 has a song called, "Love is Fake"....now, when they were on stage doing their set, Josh says, "This next song...was requested by our guitarist, Johnny. It's called 'Love is Fake'" and all of the guys made a pointed look at Amy. Talk about DUMB....she didn't get it!!! I mean...COME ON! He fucking hates her. I do too, she is a bitch. And the way she treats him...she needs to be dragged out in the street and shot.
Onto Saturday. Party day. Not too much to that night. I got drunk off of vodka and beer again. Got a great contact high. Lived it up until 3am. There was about 20 people that came to the party. So it was cool. My friend, Amanda, took a bunch of pics for me. I'm getting them tomorrow.
Now I just need to get ahold of Stacy to get the pics she took of me and the guys. Plus, she has some pics from the shows that she promised me. It's just a matter of getting ahold of her. Blah!
So that was my vodka filled weekend. It was a blast.
Oooooh, threesixtysmile's bar is opening tomorrow. And since they are down to their last show for the year and I want to see them all the time, I'm going to ask if I can have a job at the bar. That would be fucking awesome. Hopefully Joey will say yes. Gonna pester him about that this week.