Gotham Plastics, Bowery District

Jun 10, 2006 19:54

It's an old, ugly labrynth of buildings and most people working there wouldn't be able to tell you what all the buildings are actually used for. Most don't even pay attention. It's a job and it's the Bowery and the place has a chemical smell that can rival downtown Bludhaven. Some have joked about exporting it as tear gas to the Marines. While ( Read more... )

red robin, twigs

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last_joke_x June 11 2006, 03:43:31 UTC
"... your life if y'think I let this kinda shit go down in my old 'hood." Rumors spread fast. Grateful people spread them fast while a bum that's never looked at twice that hears something spreads it faster for a cigarette.

Jason Todd wasn't planning on spending much time in Gotham and even in his neck of the woods of the Bowery, but certain crimes do take a high rating in his book. Taking advantage of people would be one of them.

He doesn't allow any time to pass as he tosses a flash-bang grenade and hits a guard center mass more then likely cracking some ribs due to the impact of the nonlethal round.


jla_villains June 11 2006, 03:48:42 UTC
The women scream and scatter. A guard fires wildy at them while the others train their weapons onto Red Robin.


last_joke_x June 11 2006, 03:57:46 UTC
The first target is the guard firing wildly. Grasping a knife from his belt, it fling out to pin the guard's hand to the his weapon. At the same time, Red goes belly first into the ground and fires in the general direction of the other's firing at him ( ... )


jla_villains June 11 2006, 04:19:21 UTC
The two in the suits have a brain. this is why they have hired muscle and they head for the door while two more people, appearently their main enforcers for the evening, lay down cover fire. the one who took the groin hit forgot to wear his cup this evening and is distracted for a moment. The one with the concussion and the jaw shot crumples unconscious. That's one down and five to go - seven if you count the fleeing deal makers.

The one that was firing at the women turns and starts firing at Red. One handed, he's not very accurate at all and firing blindly at him out of his own anger and desperation with a glazed look in his eyes. As for the knife...ah the miracles of highly illegal designer drugs in this dark city.


last_joke_x June 11 2006, 04:31:02 UTC
It was only a matter of time really. When he'd feel the jolt of energy. A strange mixture of desperation to keep people alive, hope for the best, possible failures, adrenaline, and that growing rage. It was like being in a dream when these qualities fix onto the brain ( ... )


jla_villains June 11 2006, 04:41:18 UTC
People don't seem to understand that rubber bullets hurt, especally at close range. The wind isn't just knock out of the next guy. It's gone, and from the choking sounds, it might taken him awhile to find it.

The two guards go flying into barrels with a metallic clank. The chemical smell of the place barely covers one Jason is all too familiar with - decay. Specifically, rotting meat that used to be attached to someone. The gas is almost a mercy. Now the guards scatter, if they are able.

All except the asshole on the cheep Venom knockoff someone cooked up somewhere this week. He howls and charges. Jason grabs the hand and kicks him and he goes down. From that position, the guy still tries to grab at Jason's legs. Note the word try.


last_joke_x June 11 2006, 04:50:47 UTC
And he's been too familier with people hopped up on some junk in their viens. If you're going to take them down it has to be fast and hard without care to how much damage you do to their body. So as soon as he lands his foot upon the guard, Red uses the lunge of the man's arms to wrap them around each other then he brings them down along with his own body wieght and strength to shatter the guard's forearms upon the ground. A quick spin and follow up with a knee to the guard's head puts him down both hard and fast ( ... )


jla_villains June 11 2006, 07:30:34 UTC
Bozo the Hopped Up Russian Clown kisses concrete in short order and it might take a miracle to wake him up within the next few days. He's still breathiung though.

As the knives flash through the air, one of the main bodyguards takes the hits in both shoulders and the guy who complained about the ladies teeth catches one in the back of the thigh and from the way it's bleeding, he won't get very far. One bodyguard and one dealer manage to get outside. the good news is that they aren't a matched set. Gaging the whole way, they disappear into the night outside.

The place is a mix of gas, chemicals, and old death. It's going to take some serious willpower or a gas mask to be able to keep breathing in here.


last_joke_x June 11 2006, 13:16:13 UTC
Pulling out a small mask that only covers his mouth, Jason scans the rest of the area the best he can. Though nothing really seems left of anyone. Pretty much everyone had more sense then he did and decided not to stay where gas is covered everywhere.

So instead he calmly walks over to the bodyguard and the businessman. Though knowing that the bodyguard wouldn't stop so easily with just staying on the ground and waiting for some guy to stand over him, Jason fires the shotgun to each of the man's hand. The delivery of two beanbags crush nearly all of the bodyguard's bones within his hands.

Finally looking down to the businessman, he speaks evenly and calmly. "Now. Y'got a choice. You can talk with me. Or piss me off with some kinda concealed weapon. So get rid of any of them. Now."


jla_villains June 11 2006, 19:09:50 UTC
The answer is apparently "both," as he makes comments about Jason's mother and what she might have slept with in order to have him walking around, but complies with the request to disarm himself. He's gagging the entire time at the smell of the place.

"Yeah, yeah, the bitches are mine, okay? But I ain't taken any credit for that."

And he points to a dessicated arm sticking out of the crushed barrel.


last_joke_x June 11 2006, 19:26:41 UTC
The insults don't really bother Jason that much. It's kind of expected if anything else. Not that what he's about to do doesn't stem slightly from the fact he was insulted.

"So you be dealin' with the slave trade business but you have no idea of the arm?" He doesn't waste time for an answer and fires the shotgun at the man's kneecap.

"Don't talk. Y'gonna talk how I wanna hear it." The gas now just hangs in the air and he gives the man time to vomit due to the coughing he's experiencing and the sudden pain before continueing. "Y'got some kinda idea. I wanna know. If not then I'll just hand ya bitch ass over to some of the gang bangers that I know live down the street from here. Y'tell me what I wanna hear I drag ya out of here. How's that sound Ivan?"


jla_villains June 12 2006, 02:23:18 UTC
The big criminal badass ruins the off the rack suit he's wearing. Add urine to smell list. All trace of big bad guy disappears after the knee shot. His voice and tone become fast and high pitched.

"I don't fucking know man! And like fuck you ain't gonna do that anyway." Clearly, there's a lingering idea about what happens when you do what he does and get caught for it in the Bowery. "This a meeting space. That's fucking it! I deal in bitch- uh, girls. The barrel shit has been here!"


last_joke_x June 12 2006, 02:35:46 UTC
And without any other words, Jason does just as he said he would. He grabs the man by his hair and begins dragging him out of the warehouse. He ignores the protesting that should surely be coming about as he makes a mental note to have Babs pull some info of the police report.

When they finally get outside, Jason begins to tie down the businessman with zip-strips in a manner that appears to be hog tied. Afterwards he just stares down at him and looks up and down the street.

"Some serious beef would be goin' down for even a meetin' on someone elses street. Especially with someone with such a light tan as you."

Though he decides for the less extreme and calls the police.


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