Gotham Plastics, Bowery District

Jun 10, 2006 19:54

It's an old, ugly labrynth of buildings and most people working there wouldn't be able to tell you what all the buildings are actually used for. Most don't even pay attention. It's a job and it's the Bowery and the place has a chemical smell that can rival downtown Bludhaven. Some have joked about exporting it as tear gas to the Marines. While some of the money brought in to this company really does come from the various grades of plastic crap this place produces, most goes from a "no questions asked," policy regarding their "spare," warehouses and other facilities.

Tonight's deal in Warehouse 3 has to do with a truck of women who were promised farming or sewing jobs here in America. That's not what the 6 armed guards watching the place or the two armed "businessmen," in stylish suits have in mind. They negotiate details that promise misery for them in a language they don't understand. The one guard who did speak Russian was very clear that any sound they made or any "unfriendliness," would get them killed.

"You've got to be kidding man. I ain't taken her. Look at the teeth," says one, clasping her jaw in an iron grip. "I think I can get anyone that wants her to suck him off? Half off..."

red robin, twigs

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