
Mar 23, 2006 15:45

Kyle Rayner is free, and for a brief moment he feels a connection with the crispy air around him and the simple freedom and joy of a man in flight. Combined with the simple joy that freedom brings was the knowledge he would soon be reunited with Jenny and the rest of his friends ( Read more... )

green lantern jade, green lantern arisia, green lantern hal jordan, green lantern travis grey, green lantern kyle rayner, green lantern guy gardner, green lantern kilowog, green lantern alan scott, green lantern john stewart

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blind_will March 26 2006, 00:16:58 UTC
A transmission comes through the various rings. "Hey guys, sorry I'm missing the party, but I've gotten some valuable information. The guys we're seeing are mostly the old, outdated models, weak and slow by comparison. They have an entire army of version 2.0 hidden away, ready to subdue the Earth, and then Oa if they're threatened. But I know how they communicate, so we can listen in if we're sneaky about it... and I have a plan to deal with the army... but that still leaves all of the older models, which are no slouches themselves... and every time they take energy off of one of you, they've been using it to power and prepare their mass assault."


theotherlantern March 26 2006, 19:38:05 UTC
John listens to this and narrows his eyes.

"Are they somehow funnelling the power even if we take it BACK from them after they drain it? And what do you know about this girl?"

He beams Travis a holographic image of the girl the Manhunter Prime showed him.


blind_will March 26 2006, 20:29:49 UTC
Travis lets his ring scan the light image and pass it to him telepathically. "She's currently in custody pending study of a chip found in her brain, very dangerous. And yes, they're somehow storing it... but right now, working on that. The existing Manhunters are a bigger danger immediately."


theotherlantern March 27 2006, 00:57:41 UTC
"The chip's most likely Manhunter-made. There's a YELLOW one of these guys that looks like the Manhunter Prime, and he actually deigned to ask our help in finding this girl. Said she was a Manhunter herself no matter what our rings tell us, she's malfunctioning and she's dangerous and could kill everything on Earth. They want her returned to them, and I'm thinking there's no WAY we can let that happen."

He looks around to the others, but keeps speaking to Travis. "Do you know where this warehouse of 2.0s is?"


blind_will March 27 2006, 05:43:49 UTC
"Yes, I know where the warehouse is. If we go near it, it will launch the attack on Earth, and then on to Oa. As for her... she's human, or was. She was taken at about 8 years old and experimented on, turned into whatever she is now. Other forces that won't trigger an assault are working on the army... good to know about the yellow manhunter. I'll keep someone with me, since he'd be completely invisible to me."


theotherlantern March 27 2006, 14:46:08 UTC
"Sounds good. We should probably send Kilowog to back you up, as he's the most tech-savvy out of the rest of us here, and he'd be the guy we want pulling schematics of these new models."

"That leaves the rest of us to either sniff out where the rest of the old models are hanging out and stop them before they manage to siphon any more energy, or --"

A minor brainstorm.

"No. Let's all go to that warehouse anyway and kick the hell out of it. The Manhunters are still trying to siphon enough power to launch an attack, but if we approach their site, they'll launch it before they're ready, and that means we have a chance to STOP it before it gets out of hand. With all of us here, we've got a chance."


blind_will March 27 2006, 15:03:50 UTC
"No, we don't. The 2.0's are in sufficient numbers to assault Oa. Just send me a fast pair of eyes to watch for the yellow guy... I wouldn't notice him if he was standing right behind me. The girl is in J'onn's custody, and being studied on the Watchtower. As for beating up the 2.0's, give me a little time. I've got an inside man working on cutting them to about half strength, but it'll take him some time. What you can do... gather all of the tough, but not spaceworthy heroes you can, and have a Lantern ready to transport them all to Greece. Let them handle the 2.0's while they're still in atmosphere... everyone space-worthy will be needed to deal with the Manhunters already deployed - they won't be compromised when things go down the way the next gens will."


kilowog March 27 2006, 15:26:23 UTC
"We're not involving the League, poozer, they're stretched as it is. This is an Oan mess, and I'm gonna hold 'em to task on cleanin' it up. I'll call up the reserves and get 'em here soon as possible, set 'em up for the big KO. Whereabouts in Greece are they holed up?"


theotherlantern March 27 2006, 15:27:51 UTC
John just smirks a little, glancing to the other guys. "How did Travis get three steps ahead of the rest of us? He's supposed to be the rookie, ain't he? We gotta earn our keep, ladies and gentlemen."


light_to_guide March 27 2006, 15:34:32 UTC
"Yeah, at least I've got an excuse. What were you guys doing while I was gone, sitting on your hands?"

Kyle chuckles alittle, obviously relieved to be back amongst friends and taking a part in the things going on around him again.


theotherlantern March 27 2006, 15:43:17 UTC
Another smirk. "You know, we can always put you back, you keep giving us lip,"


light_to_guide March 27 2006, 15:46:26 UTC
"It will take an entire Manhunter army to put me back in that place again, and even then I don't think they stand a chance."


blind_will March 27 2006, 15:44:10 UTC
"The League is already involved, and if the Manhunters escape, their first task is enslaving the Earth. Mr. Terrific is currently planting a virus on a rider on their coms network. He's invisible to them, but if we attack too soon, they'll figure out we're on to them before they can be sabotaged. What I can give you immediately though is their coms network. We can listen in on them, figure out where the active Manhunters are hiding out and hit them first. But we need to give Terrific some time or we're going to be caught between two groups of Manhunters."


kilowog March 27 2006, 15:50:17 UTC
"And we need the time to bring the gang here from Oa, so it works out nicely. Hook us up with the freeqs, Grey. You might be up for a promotion after this is sorted out."


blind_will March 27 2006, 16:00:11 UTC
Travis grins. "That should be good timing. The army isn't set to trigger til they get wind of a GL coming too close, so long as we stay away til their buddies are mopped up, we should be able to leave them for the moment, and deal with them once the virus is in place."

He transmits the frequency to the others. "And Stel is in the neighborhood already. He gave us a hand getting this code."


kilowog March 27 2006, 18:59:21 UTC
"Good job, Grey."

He turns to the gathered Lanterns. "Take a time out, track the freeqs on your rings and rest up while you can, poozers - this is gonna be a war."


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