
Mar 04, 2006 17:59

Being like this. Being broken. I don’t deal with it very well. I’ve been stuck being able to do nothing for so long that now I have to start building myself back up.

I know I’m pushing myself a little too hard but I’m not being stupid enough to actually hurt myself. I really can’t afford to just deal with my situation and sit. For now, staying at the redbrick that Dick and Babs let me hang at, well it has enough equipment to keep me fit. Enough weights and I’m starting to be able to run. Well what passes for running at least.

Being kept in the background with all that’s been going on… well it’s the main reason I haven’t wanted any company. It’s like, they’re Swiss army knives and I feel like a hammer. If a hammer can’t bang the crap out of something, it just sits there useless.

Everyone has checked in with me and tried to at least give me a word, but I’ve been less the responsive. But I just can’t have them see me like this. At least until I’m close to my game.

Some times I feel like I don’t belong here. And for once I don’t mean about my being dead and then alive again. Some other kind of feeling. Doesn’t make sense to me. But when does anything for someone that wears a mask?

red robin

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