In darkened Atlantis

Mar 04, 2006 14:06

Atlantean justice. As if there is such a thing.

Their prison cells stink just as bad as any topsider joint.

This justice ain't swift, either. He hasn't seen anybody outside of the one guard who has to bring him food. No telling what he did to it before he started to listen. It's the only tool Black Manta has to work with right now - his mind.

He's always been good at persuasion.

It's not hard to convince him that King Arthur was a malevolent force in Atlantis - the current political climate here lends itself to that. He still has a way to go before he can truly spin the death of Mera properly to him. She was a lot more popular here. He's still finding out the guard's vulnerable points. Exactly what issues he has where he can be pulled a certain way. It's a delicate process.

It's been some time since he's seen the guard, though. He's been alone in this cell for a long time.

Crafting his defense, should they actually bother with a trial. His arm is close to healed now after King Arthur shattered it. He was supposed to be strong enough to MATCH him now. Someone will have to die for that lie.

He hasn't had a lot of sleep. The gene therapy is relatively new, and he hasn't had much experience in sleeping like the Atlanteans do. It goes in fits and starts, and he's even more irritable than usual. Not that anyone's around to suffer for it. If only they let him have a cell with a window, he could coordinate an escape...

aquaman, black manta

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