These are the darkest depths of the ocean blue.

Jan 10, 2006 21:05

It's where oceanographers fear to tread - the depths are crushing and the mysteries are many - the last frontier on Earth. Truth be told, Black Manta himself was hesitant to plumb these depths, as he knew his limitations, and he was merely a human being.

Now, he is much more. The gene therapy he underwent for the sake of his Sub Diego plan was in no way a wasted effort. The water has always been his home, since he was an autistic orphan who could only find peace within its fluid embrace. Now, he can breathe it... and he can survive within it. He can sustain his very life with it, rather than fear his love could take life from him.

Yet, he'd lied to the fools of Sub Diego, the new race of water-breathers who viewed their lives as cursed. He didn't simply enhance his genetics for amphibious adaptibility. No, when Black Manta does something, he doesn't do it by half measures. He didn't sacrifice his ties to the surface world. He can breathe water AND air... and while he was tampering with his physical form, he went the distance. Enhancing his strength and durability as well. It was promised by the scientists within the Society that he would be Aquaman's equal now.

Black Manta would prove that he was his SUPERIOR.

But not now. Now is exploration, and lying low. He has the deathscream of the wife of Aquaman to keep him company as he bides his time, avoiding detection as best he can, with the localized field around his craft set up to atomize any of the informant sea creatures that might get ideas about communicating his whereabouts should they approach close enough to see him.

Now, it's time to enjoy the silence. Enjoy the solitude. The Black Manta alone in the mighty sea... as it should be.

aquaman, black manta, martian manhunter

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