Yet Another Apartment Complex

Sep 14, 2005 22:48

Daddy and Uncle Connor are off talking to this guy that looks just as stupid as the last three and smiles too much. So she wanders off 'cause she's bored and this place has the same layout as one of the earlier ones anyhow. She also wonders why they just can't bring Donna along if Daddy doesn't want the gay stuff anymore. It would be that easy. Duh...

Well, at least people aren't sick and no one she knows died. Death sucks. She wonders if Mr. Question is okay though.

This place at least has a fake brook running through it. She takes off her shoes, puts her feet in, and leans back to watch the clouds drift by. Maybe Donna can take her and her sidekick flying. That would be great.

operation: chaos, lian harper, green arrow connor hawke

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