
Sep 13, 2005 12:26

She hates phones. Before she died, they were a reminder she was away from people she loved - at first being pulled away by mentors, then by life in general, finally by a husband she now realized had been more than a little possessive. Now, they were a reminder of a lot of things about Greece and best laid plans in general.

Still, Jesse left in a hurry, for work supposedly. Donna wasn't buying it entirely when Vic and Kory mentioned it, but she didn't mention it. Everyone had been working at a breakneck pace. Still, it wasn't exactly stopping Kory and the newly attached Gar from collapsing into the arms of someone nice at the end of the day. Jesse and Wally were constantly giving off the signals that something was going on or going to go on. then, the world settles and Jesse runs out of here. Nothing about the photos they were going to take. Not a smile on her face or cup of coffee. If it were all that urgent, she would have called for an extra hand. She suspected Jesse was going back to something that she could make work - spreadsheets and such.

That was the reason she was going around on every duty roster she could take when Roy was out. It was the reason when they wouldn't let her, she was out taking pictures of every pretty flower in Kory's garden, lining up shoots, avoiding the other Titans and the gossip that went with them.

Roy had been working his butt off looking at apartments and college. She supported that. She did. The changes in him were amazing. Most of the changes astounded her and made her so happy for him. Okay, there was only one major change that was difficult to deal with. By the beauty of Aphrodite, she missed the flirt that used to drive her crazy. With the two of them though she was really starting to wonder what the hell was going on. They both came back from the dead - with his challenge no less. The world just about ended. All she kept getting were platitudes about "living in the moment," and "stop planning - let things happen," - then he couldn't get out of here fast enough. Not a kiss since Greece (which was cut short). Not a hug since the world started collapsing, and one 10 minute flight where he didn't even make a flirty comment. And all that she had to ask for like some...lovesick teenager with the big man on campus. Oh, and Chinese dinner...that was a incredible success, wasn't it? she was starting to hope this Firefly show was kid friendly. It would save them both significant embarrassment if Lian could play unknowing chaperone.

Just how was she supposed to teach the old dogs new tricks if he wasn't around or willing to make time for them?

Time for some retail therapy. Jesse seemed like a better bet than Kory overall - especially given the reason.

jesse quick, troia

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