
Aug 02, 2005 10:05

The restuarant patrons know something's wrong but, as often happens when small crowds are ill at ease, they do nothing but fidget idly at their tables. The hostess from the front of the restuarant has returned to her station, and the waiters have given Sue Dibny and Jordan McIntyre's table some distance.

Senator Neptune Perkins looms over the two, the butt of a pistol idly revealed from underneath his jacket. Around the room, thugs have taken position, patiently watching the unfolding drama.

"Well," says the Senator. "Are you two coming?"

"Perkins," says Jordan, nearly growling the name. "I can't believe for one secodn that you..."

"Believe what you want, Jordan," says Perkins. But although we're both old, I'm still a metahuman and armed. You can't say the same, and Ms. Dibny," he nods to Sue. "Hand me your JLA communicator. I know you're on the outs with them, but I suspect you still carry it."

His hand is outstretched expectantly.

the circle, jordan mcintyre, sue dibny

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