The doctor. With the baton. In Arkham.

Aug 02, 2005 16:50

Shit… Day four of being awake. I’m being dragged back to my room but all my muscles feel useless from all that zapping from the electro “therapy”. So needless to say that it never went through my mind that I’d be dragged through Arkham, shirtless, dripping wet from sweat and water, cold (I have no idea why.), exhausted, and wanting my blankie.

So the two orderlies really have no problem dragging me back to the room. The Bat did a good job hitting me just right to leave a bruise. I heard a few of the staff making smartass remarks about it. Good. Maybe at some point I can be linked to them but for now it’s best that I’m not.

And now here we are back home. Pull arms through jacket, arms behind back, tie and tie then a lock, now for the strapping down from the four corners, aaaand the locking of the straps.

“So are we ready to talk?” I really dislike this doctor. He’s lucky I’m not how I used to be. Even like this I could kill him.
“Hey, Doc?”
“Is your annual review going to look good that you can’t take care of one patient and he escapes, brings back the other patients because he knows them better then you, and then returns?”

The sound of that metal baton is different. Like taking a hose to a wet leather jacket packed tight with ground beef and rocks. I know because that’s what I hear when it hits. For a change, one of the orderlies didn’t do it. The good doctor did.

“I know it was you that hit me Doc. Felt the limpness in your wrist.”

I shouldn’t have pushed the issue or grinned. Being beaten with metal for a minute makes you remember it. Being beaten until someone is dragged off you and they’re exhausted is worse.

I can’t hear much due to the blood pumping in my ears but after a while I think I do hear steps. Familiar ones. I know for sure it’s not my legal defense because I just told them it’ll be an open and shut case. No need to prepare.

I can’t stand for my guest even if I was allowed. I’d be laying down if not for the bindings keeping me upright. So I guess I’m halfway proper.

“What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”

black canary, red robin

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