The Grand Unveiling

Feb 22, 2010 16:36

Standing at a podium in Liebfeld Plaza, Metropolis, with his son to his left, his... woman.... to his right, and surrounded generally by hired bodyguards (all of decent repute, of course), Max Shreck cuts an imposing figure in the very expensive deep bottle green suit that he had made by Gambi tailors of Keystone.

"The City of Tomorrow!" He punches ( Read more... )

chip shreck, superman, max shreck, steel, catalina reyes, cyborg superman, lois lane

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pulitzerwinner February 26 2010, 19:33:09 UTC
Lois stood toe to toe with Shreck. Cyborg Superman earns a little fear, even if she holds her ground. "Wish I could say the same," she answers with her usual piss-and-vinegar attitude. "You know no one will buy that this was Superman."


metromarvel February 26 2010, 19:45:09 UTC
Things are, well, even in a city as jaded towards disaster as Metropolis, a doppleganger of the world's greatest hero smashing a building is something to take note of ( ... )


mr_henshaw February 26 2010, 20:08:31 UTC
The Cyborg has always been incredibly close to Superman in terms of physical ability, but his reactions are ever so slightly slower than the real thing.

This shows, when he doesn't sense the faster than a speeding bullet Kryptonian shooting towards his back, and crashing into him from behind with fists as strong as iron. He only really notices once he's in mid-air, and proceeds to feel and hear the creaking of metal inside his torso.

"YOU!" Pirhouetting in the sky, the Cyborg rights himself and lands on the ground on his feet, crunching into the tarmac of the road and skidding to a halt. "You had to come and ruin things, didn't you?!"

Henshaw kicks back and flies towards Superman, arms outstretched to catch the man of steel around the waist.


pulitzerwinner February 26 2010, 20:12:35 UTC
Clark. Thank GOD. One day he's going to be late, and I'm going to be a grease spot on the ground.

...No, no he won't. Because he's Superman, damn it.

Lois's skirt and suit jacket barely ruffled; that's how good is Superman's attack that sends both of the super-powered men some distance from her. She turns toward Max and notes dryly, "And that's the real Superman."


metromarvel February 26 2010, 20:15:26 UTC
"Ooof!" It does hurt, but Superman's overacting a little as he struggles with the waist grab. He wants to get a few seconds to use his super vision on the Cyborg Superman; both to try and get an idea of what he's here for, and to try and find a weak point on this latest body of Henshaw's.

"There a had to break that building?" Superman snarls back, no love lost on his side. "Or were you just bored?!"


mr_henshaw February 26 2010, 20:28:38 UTC
Henshaw tries to come up with a witty retort, and as one isn't immediately forthcoming, he decides to punch Superman in the throat instead. "Let's put it down to having a lot of time on my hands."

The analysis of the Cyborg's body shows that it's been designed with an intricacy like never before. Some top level scientist has been hard at work, fine-tuning Henshaw's body. "And there I was, thinking you hated greedy industrialists. I've done half your work for you, Kent!"

Leaping backwards away from Superman, the Cyborg aims to get amid the throng of civilians around the Shreck gala. The big blue bastard won't use any of his high-damage attacks if innocents could get hurt.


jl_metropolis February 26 2010, 20:29:07 UTC
"The money to rebuild a city has to come from somewhere, Henshaw."

John Henry Irons had known that the Cyborg would be back someday - it figures he'd come back and wreck a project that was providing a vital lifeline for some of Metropolis's hardest-hit communities.

So the hammerblow to the metal jaw only seems a fitting punishment.


metromarvel February 26 2010, 20:34:37 UTC
'/Luthor/' is Superman's first thought, but that's impossible...


WHAM! "nrrggh." Clark's retort is cut off courtesy of Henshaw's throat punch, letting the maniac get away. Shaking his head, the Man of Steel narrows his eyes at the brutal tactics the Cyborg's resorting to-and thank God for John Henry Irons. "Thanks for the backup, Steel. Careful of his back, he's carrying something!"

There's no time for further deliberation, as Superman rockets forward, shamelessly taking advantage of Steel's distraction to aim a sucker punch at Henshaw's brain case. Sure, it won't kill him, but it might rattle the maniac enough to stun! Positive thinking.


jl_scoundrels February 26 2010, 20:39:25 UTC
"Hey." Shreck allows Catalina to help him to his feet, and then ignores her as he sprint / jogs over to the blur of colours that can only be metahumans fighting. He bites his tongue as the pain from his shoulder screams through his body.

"Hey!" Shreck's fists ball-up, and with his good hand he quickly draws his sidearm.

"HEY!" Tired of being ignored, Max fires into the air.


catalinareyes February 26 2010, 20:42:34 UTC
Catalina puts a hand over her face and shakes her head slowly. "Mierda. Idioto." More loudly she adds, "Bullets will not HARM them, Max."


mr_henshaw February 26 2010, 20:49:11 UTC
"Hrrrrnnnnnnnnn.." The beatings to the head and face certainly shake the Cyborg, enough to make his counterattacks to Steel and Superman completely miss their targets, his arms flailing wildly.

And then the gunshot brings him back to Earth-1. He aims a blast of heat-vision at Max Shreck's wrist, cutting his hand off and making the gun clatter to the road. "Guns kill."

He then projects a wide beam of heat, turning his head suddenly to catch the crowd.


jl_metropolis February 26 2010, 20:52:44 UTC
The blast to Shreck's wrist catches Steel by surprise, but he recovers quickly and seems ready for the wide-beam - swinging his hammer around to interpose it - forcefully - between Henshaw's eyes and the crowd.

"Oh, /hell/ no."


catalinareyes February 26 2010, 20:59:00 UTC
She isn't the screaming sort, but having Max's disembodied hand flop near her foot is one of those things that really inspires a shriek.

Catalina screams.


jl_scoundrels February 26 2010, 21:04:09 UTC
Max slowly turns his head to look at his nicely cauterised wrist. "Remind me to take this out on whatshername..." He then proceeds to faint.


metromarvel February 26 2010, 22:45:20 UTC
"Sadistic-!" Superman snarls, snapping through the air. There's a rush of force as the Man of Steel is holding Max in his arms, setting the industrialist down on a stretcher. (Metropolis ambulances are the best ambulances. This one is protected by stealth bomber technology.) Superman breaths out of his nose, and hands the now-frozen hand of Max Shreck to a startled looking paramedic.

"So it keeps." Superman explains, and is off like a shot, appearing behind the Cyborg Superman so quickly its like he learned zwee fighting. "Did you do the upgrades yourself?" Superman asks, strong hands grabbing the sides of Henshaw's stolen chest, legs planting in the ground, and a jaw setting in place. "Or...are...they...'borrowed'...?"

The rest of Superman's attention is then given to ripping Hank Henshaw's cybernetic chest open.


catalinareyes February 26 2010, 23:45:10 UTC
Er. Um. Er.

Catalina's hand remains over her mouth at the whip of wind when Superman flashes past her, takes Max and departs again. The tip of her nose is a little frosty from the exhalation.

Muttering to herself in Spanish, she hurries off after the ambulance and the paramedic. Good thing she's talented at running in high heels.


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