The Grand Unveiling

Feb 22, 2010 16:36

Standing at a podium in Liebfeld Plaza, Metropolis, with his son to his left, his... woman.... to his right, and surrounded generally by hired bodyguards (all of decent repute, of course), Max Shreck cuts an imposing figure in the very expensive deep bottle green suit that he had made by Gambi tailors of Keystone.

"The City of Tomorrow!" He punches his gloved fist into the air, and a smirk of a smile wrinkles across his face as the crowd roars in approval. Time to crank the crowd up by speaking in that way the critics love to poke at, but the public seem to love. "Let me tell you something, Metropolis," he takes the microphone out of its holder, and walks about the stage. "When my good friend, Bruce Wayne, of Wayne Enterprises, said to me, "Max, Metropolis will never have you," I told him to shut his Gothamite mouth."

He continues walking, twirls the microphone a little, and laughs. "Because the City of Tomorrow, is where Max Shreck belongs!" He claps himself, and raises the microphone again. "I said to him, Metropolis is the brightest star in this opulent country, and I'll be damned if I'm not the brightest entrepreneur this country has ever seen."

Max lowers his tone to a regular volume, with no high or low inflections, smile still in place. "Okay, that sounds egotistical. You got me. I've got a lot of love for myself, for the work I've done, for the businesses I've created, and the employees under my wing. Today is the opening of, not two blocks from this very Plaza. And with Luthor running scared back to his mommy, is gonna be the chief employer of this city. You're all gonna be my crew, you're all gonna getta lotta love from Mohammed Shreck, and Metropolis, the people of Metropolis, are going to wonder..."

He stops, and pauses. "I hope, that they're gonna wonder, "How did we ever come this far without Max?""

The applause is slightly more muted, but when administrators start handing out gift packages around the crowd, applications for jobs by the hundred, the voices are raised. He punches the air again, and walks into the small pavilion tent to have a drink with his two closest aides.

"Did you think that was a bit too much, Ms Reyes?" He swigs from a bottle of Highland Spring.

chip shreck, superman, max shreck, steel, catalina reyes, cyborg superman, lois lane

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