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jla_glcorps April 5 2009, 18:48:59 UTC
There's a look of pure hatred in Soranik Natu's eyes as she flies to defend Oa from the invading forces.

Sinestro enslaved her people. Forced them to suffer under his tyrannical rule for years.

She's sending out blasts of green energy with her ring left and right to deflect the yellow ones coming at her.

Soranik would not show these monsters the smallest glimpse of fear. She'd give her own life, if it meant stopping Sinestro dead in his tracks.


jla_glcorps April 6 2009, 01:49:23 UTC
"Lantern Natu. Help me secure the Book of Oa and the Central Power Battery. There will be plenty of chances to strike at them - I assure you, they will come here."

Salaak is constructing barriers and bulwarks of green light, before the mass of the yellow forces arrive.


jla_glcorps April 6 2009, 02:20:41 UTC
Soranik nods, "Of course."

Though she wants to fight, she helps her superior constructing barriers.

"Do we know how many of Sinestro's forces we're up against?"


jla_glcorps April 6 2009, 15:32:53 UTC
"Hundreds. Perhaps a thousand."

Salaak's eyes scan the horizon, looking at the yellow and green points of light.

"They're coming. Stand ready."


bewaresinestro April 6 2009, 16:35:08 UTC
"Hello, Salaak."

It's him. Protected by a small vanguard of five gleaming yellow warriors, Sinestro himself rips through the wall, floating towards Salaak and Soranik with his arms crossed, a mild sneer on his face. "It's been a long time. I'll be taking the Book of Oa, now."


jla_glcorps April 6 2009, 17:23:35 UTC
"You will not taint the Book with your treachery, Sinestro. It doesn't matter how many lackeys you bring with you."

Salaak's ring glows with a bright pinpoint of green light and an alarm begins to sound, to warn the other Lanterns of the attempted theft - if any are free to respond.


jla_glcorps April 6 2009, 18:13:51 UTC
Soranik's eyes narrow into little slits.

She sends a blast of green light aimed in the direction of Sinestro.

"Not on your life slime," she spits out bitterly.


bewaresinestro April 6 2009, 21:36:34 UTC
"I have a use for it." Sinestro's eyes narrow, a grin twisting out of his lips as the whelp sends a beam of light, of all things, at him. He gestures ( ... )


jla_glcorps April 6 2009, 23:58:30 UTC
Soranik lets out a noise that's in between a hiss and a snarl, as she sends out blasts of green light in an attempt to save herself from getting ensnared the yellow straps heading towards her.

She begins to make an attempt to fly upwards in order to escape them...

When one wraps around her ankle and begins to snake around her leg. Biting her lip, she sends out rays of green energy out of her ring around the straps of yellow light that is wrapping around her body, dragging her towards Sinestro.


jla_glcorps April 7 2009, 16:17:57 UTC
Salaak shields himself with the green energy that is his to command, sending out multiple bursts of energy at his attackers as he falls back.

"I see the years have eroded your courage, Sinestro - a pity."


bewaresinestro April 7 2009, 17:38:04 UTC
"All the years have done is fail to improve your imagination, Salaak." Sinestro sneers, because that one does spur a little pain. Enough that Soranik can escape from the yellow straps, if she's quick enough.

But is it enough for Salaak's shields to resist the power of three shadowy-Sinestro clones, firing a fully powered cannon blast from three different angles?!


jla_glcorps April 7 2009, 18:12:46 UTC
Slyggians are good multi-taskers, but there's only so much willpower to go around, and one of the blasts manages to partially penetrate Salaak's shields, hurling him roughly sideways and into a wall.

He's still conscious, though.

"You are the shame of the Corps, Sinestro. The Guardians will judge you once again.."


jla_glcorps April 7 2009, 20:14:47 UTC
Soranik just barely manages to free herself from the yellow straps that had worked their way around her body, sending out a final blast of energy to cut through them and wiggle her way free.

She pauses for a moment to catch her breath, before flying to help Salaak.

She's soon firing an an energy canon of her own, aimed the Sinestro clones in hopes to buy Salaak time to free himself.


bewaresinestro April 8 2009, 15:50:23 UTC
"The shame?" Sinestro's demeanor drops, his cold eyes igniting with the fires of fanaticism. "THE SHAME?! I could understand one of these children...even an idiot like Jordan truly believing that I was the greatest regret the Green Lanterns ever had. But at my worst, Salaak, at my absolute worst, I do not BEGIN to address the sins of those you call master!"

"Judge me? Do you not understand, my old friend? I was brought to life to judge the Guardians! Finally, the law shall apply to all beings, even them! For fear is the universal law, Salaak, and I will show you how Sinestro will enforce it!" And then, as if on cue, the energy cannon connects, slamming the distracted Sinestro right in the back. The energy constructs fade as Sinestro smashes into the ground...

There's a tightening of the air, and Salaak will recognize that they have about a heart beat to escape before Sinestro explodes the yellow light molecules in the air.


beware_my_power April 8 2009, 16:16:17 UTC
A green glove scoops Natu and the injured Salaak out of the way of the impending explosion, as more reinforcements arrive for the Green Lanterns, in the form of Hal Jordan.

"We all know you've got an axe to grind, Sinestro, but you're not going to sharpen it with the Book of Oa."


kilowog April 9 2009, 04:36:55 UTC
And Jordan's talk is the perfect thing to distract Sinestro while Kilowog explodes in from his left and drives his heavy fist square at the purple bastard's face to try and break his concentration on creating that explosion.

There is no love lost here. Sinestro killed his entire species. He'll never pay enough for that.


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