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Comments 83

To the Sciencells! jla_villains April 5 2009, 04:07:32 UTC
One very recognizable member of the Sinestro Corps leads a small, elite group of his fellows towards the famous Sciencells of Oa, where the entity known as Parallax is currently entrapped.

"Destroy anyone who resists us. Your individual lives are expendable in the achievement of this mission - of course, the Green Lantern Corps doesn't kill. Use that."


Re: To the Sciencells! jla_glcorps April 5 2009, 15:32:52 UTC
As the awareness of the attack spreads, Green Lantern rings throughout the universe receive the same broadcast.

Warning - Sector Zero under attack. All available Green Lanterns report immediately to Oa.

Fortunately, there are some members of the Corps on Oa for various reasons already, and not just the rookies - veteran lantern Stel is on hand to help protect the Sciencells.


Re: To the Sciencells! jla_villains April 9 2009, 15:45:13 UTC
Mongul's squad blazes a trail through the mostly-inexperienced Lanterns, scattering them, and killing many.

Mongul, himself, engages the artificial Green Lantern in hand to hand combat, testing his flesh versus Stel's metal.


Re: To the Sciencells! jla_glcorps April 12 2009, 18:16:01 UTC
Stel struggles valiantly with the powerful yellow lantern, while the rookie recruits engage Mongul's entourage. Unfortunately, they are outnumbered and unable to kill.

"The prisoners in the Sciencells are dangerous. More dangerous than you can know, Mongul. You would be foolish to set any one of them free."


kilowog April 5 2009, 05:15:09 UTC
Sinestro Corps?


That ugly purple bastard named his squad of killers and criminals after himself. Egomaniacal son of a bitch.



jla_glcorps April 5 2009, 05:45:52 UTC
With wings of emerald green and a heavy mace protruding from his ring, the Thanagarian Green Lantern leads his team into the breach, angrily deflecting every yellow blast that comes his way, maneuvering with expert precision in aerial combat to cave in as many heads with that club as possible.



jla_sinestro April 5 2009, 12:42:17 UTC
"NyahahaHAHAHA!!" The mind of the demented Yellow Lantern known as Alexander Nero is a very imaginative, and incredibly disturbed thing, as is evidenced by the Lovecraftian-esque constructs he creates with his power ring.

"Attack!! ATTACK!! Let Rome burn!!" Nero's eyes glint with the colour of puss as he sees the Thanagarian Green Lantern. "Bring me his WINGS!!! NyahahahaHAHAHAHA!!"


jla_glcorps April 5 2009, 18:48:59 UTC
There's a look of pure hatred in Soranik Natu's eyes as she flies to defend Oa from the invading forces.

Sinestro enslaved her people. Forced them to suffer under his tyrannical rule for years.

She's sending out blasts of green energy with her ring left and right to deflect the yellow ones coming at her.

Soranik would not show these monsters the smallest glimpse of fear. She'd give her own life, if it meant stopping Sinestro dead in his tracks.


jla_glcorps April 6 2009, 01:49:23 UTC
"Lantern Natu. Help me secure the Book of Oa and the Central Power Battery. There will be plenty of chances to strike at them - I assure you, they will come here."

Salaak is constructing barriers and bulwarks of green light, before the mass of the yellow forces arrive.


jla_glcorps April 6 2009, 02:20:41 UTC
Soranik nods, "Of course."

Though she wants to fight, she helps her superior constructing barriers.

"Do we know how many of Sinestro's forces we're up against?"


jla_glcorps April 6 2009, 15:32:53 UTC
"Hundreds. Perhaps a thousand."

Salaak's eyes scan the horizon, looking at the yellow and green points of light.

"They're coming. Stand ready."


last_lantern April 6 2009, 17:18:07 UTC
A small chime from his left ring finger had indicated a priority message from Oa, the ring announcing an impending attack on the Guardians' homeworld - the headquarters of the Corps.

Fortunately, Diana had been willing to take over monitor duty for him when the alert came in, and Kyle had nearly bolted through the exterior hull of the Watchtower trying to get outside. Moments later, clad in the colors of the Corps, he had entered hyperspace, pouring every ounce of his will into his ring to give it all available speed.

When he finally reaches Oa, the swirling white lines of hyperspace receding into pinpricks of light on a sheet of black, the scene that greets his eyes is one of utter chaos: crisscrossing beams of yellow and green energy, constructs of both colors clashing in the space around Oa's atmosphere.

Warning - breach detected in Central Power Battery chamber. All available Lanterns respond.Emerald aura flaring brightly around him, Kyle rockets past enemies and fellow Lanterns, his expression grim as he heads for the Central ( ... )


jla_sinestro April 6 2009, 19:14:42 UTC
"RAYNER!!" Arkillo, flying through the air wrapped in golden wings, opens his jaws wide and snaps towards the Green Lantern.


last_lantern April 7 2009, 01:14:20 UTC
"The hell?!" Kyle asks of no one, rolling to his right, dodging the onrushing blur of teeth and yellow light energy, then snapping around to follow the thing's trajectory.

Whatever it is, it knows him, but it's moving to fast for him to get a good look at it.

"I don't have time for you!" the Lantern snaps, a pair of lithe, winged dragons twisting through space, breathing gouts of green flame at Arkillo.


jla_sinestro April 7 2009, 17:31:43 UTC
Arkillo laughs throatily, his yellow power ring armouring him.

"Sinestro told me of your power... I would bite off your face!!" He whirls back around, launching himself at Kyle.


elfinlantern April 7 2009, 02:54:23 UTC
Arisia is in Oa's orbit shortly under a minute after the call goes out.

A lot can happen over the case of a minute in battle but she's here and she's ready for a fight, the green shell armor sliding up around her figure as she continues to streak toward the planet below.


bewaresinestro April 7 2009, 22:18:39 UTC
Karu-Sil, the feral Sinestro Corpser, glides through the air, running a finger along one of the strange, alien beasts that constantly travel with her. Its back tenses as though it were a beast made of flesh and blood, a strange feature...

...and one that makes the sudden, sharp bark the bogbeast makes, as it hurtles through the air and towards Arisia, all the more real!


elfinlantern April 8 2009, 03:55:46 UTC
The bogbeast finds a cage of green waiting for it a short distance from where it starts on itse path toward Arisia. The woman from the world that neighbor's her home world is known to her - she's studied all of the worlds in the Graxos system, wanting to do a good job of protecting her system and all that reside in it.


bewaresinestro April 8 2009, 15:46:12 UTC
"Die!" Karu-Sil hisses, the beast struggling even as she hurtles upward, swinging her ring at Arisia's direction and ripping a trio of claw-mark shaped energy blasts through the air, as though her ring itself were trying to slash through reality!


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