Visiting Time!

Jan 12, 2009 18:57

Kara wakes up on the sofa bed. "Ugh." Why was it taking so much time for the alcohol from absolutely ages ago to work it's way through her system? Surely her metabolism should extinguish this sort of thing almost instantly. And yet, every morning since drinking too much wine she's suffered from what the humans refer to as a hangover ( Read more... )

supergirl, heat wave, damage, weather wizard, nightstar, flash wally west

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fleet_feet February 12 2009, 06:09:28 UTC
Suddenly, the local boy is on the scene.

Eyes are wide.

"Holy crap, what did I miss?"


x_superkara_x February 12 2009, 07:29:16 UTC
"Only a few things." Supergirl is by the Flash's side in... well, a flash. "Heat Wave and Weather Wizard appear to have something against this building, or the people within it, but it seems they were more attacking the location than the occupants." She holds out a hand. "I'm Supergirl."


mari_grayson February 12 2009, 15:00:40 UTC
Nightstar swoops down to land near Keystone's hero. "Hi, Uncle Flash." She glances over at the unconscious Weather Wizard. "Um, I hope someone's called Keystone PD...."


x_superkara_x February 12 2009, 16:06:41 UTC
"Not me. I've got nowhere to stow a cellphone in this costume..." She jets off into the air and reappears in less than a minute she's back. "The cops are on their way." She smiles, quite proud of her superspeed display in front of the Flash.


fleet_feet February 12 2009, 18:58:26 UTC
"I'm Flash," he says, after shaking her hand.

He will never get used to Uncle Flash.

"I'd... uh, suggest an investment in pockets. They make those for skirts now."

Speaking of.

"Does Kal know about this costume?"


x_superkara_x February 13 2009, 18:00:05 UTC
"What about it? There's nothing revealing about it, is there?" She looks down at herself, slightly confused. Okay, the skirt is *slightly* shorter than it used to be, but it was the current fashion. It wouldn't look very good to save the day dressed in an '80s costume with shoulder pads.


fleet_feet February 13 2009, 18:12:54 UTC
"Well, the midriff thing is a little late-90s early Britney, honestly..." he quips, as he searches his brain-spore addled memory for anything relating to a Supergirl... who seems familiar, yet... not...


x_superkara_x February 14 2009, 17:21:47 UTC
She stares blankly. Britney? Who? "Uh, yeah. Well we thought we'd come and visit! I've not been back long, and I wanted to get reacquainted with everyone. I can remember when you were so small!" She gives Wally a tight hug. "By Rao you've grown."


fleet_feet February 15 2009, 09:51:49 UTC
He returns the hug politely, as his memories of her seem to be in a fog. Dim and hazy.

"Well, you look as young as ever!" he returns, glancing to Nightstar over Supergirl's shoulder, looking a little confused and very much unsure of how much pleasure he's allowed to take in this hug. "Where've you been?"


x_superkara_x February 15 2009, 16:58:24 UTC
"No idea..." But seeing his confused look, she tries to volunteer what she can. "When I was near death during the huge galactic battle we had, the Phantom Stranger, among other weird magicky guys, apparently suspended me in animation until the world needed me again. I was woken up as Morgaine le Fey was attacking Metropolis with some monstrous horde, as all the other heroes were off fighting Mordru in some other dimension. All pretty normal." She shrugs. And then smiles.


mari_grayson February 15 2009, 17:50:20 UTC
"It's no more angular than how I got here," puts in Nightstar.


fleet_feet February 15 2009, 21:00:41 UTC
Oh... the... the crisis...

"I've heard weirder stories... I'm sorry if I'm a little hazy. I've, ah... had some memory issues start occurring since last we met. I don't recommend getting brain spores, incidentally."


x_superkara_x February 15 2009, 21:44:16 UTC
"Brain spores?" Well, likewise, that wouldn't be the weirdest thing in the world. "Those sound kind of disgusting. And yeah, given that Nightstar was also in another dimension, I guess I'm in good company."

"So yeah, I've missed out on a whole lot, and would appreciate a rundown on what I've missed. I'm going to be speaking to heroes all over, but what kinds of thing have you been having to deal with?"


fleet_feet February 16 2009, 10:12:33 UTC
"Out here in Keystone? I think you've just seen it - brightly-colored goons calling themselves the Rogues. I clean up their acts. As far as the League goes? It's all over the place - manufactured plagues, alien robot dopplegangers - there's even a secret society of supervillains out there making life hell for us on holidays here and there..."


x_superkara_x February 16 2009, 17:01:26 UTC
"Sounds like fun." She meaans that, too.

"As one of the uh.." How best to phrase this? "Elder heroes? More experienced ones? I was looking for some advice. On what team I should try and join, or where I should be going. What I should be doing, really."

She shifts on her feet, aware that there are a good few people crowding around to take photos of the heroes. Flash and the others may be used to that, but she isn't. "I'm tired of vacationing, and I want to help the world, like my cousin."


fleet_feet February 17 2009, 02:07:20 UTC
"Well... we've got a Superboy on the Titans, which is a team I'll always vouch for. Formerly the Teen Titans, and I'm guessing you still fit the 'teen' part of that?"


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