Visiting Time!

Jan 12, 2009 18:57

Kara wakes up on the sofa bed. "Ugh." Why was it taking so much time for the alcohol from absolutely ages ago to work it's way through her system? Surely her metabolism should extinguish this sort of thing almost instantly. And yet, every morning since drinking too much wine she's suffered from what the humans refer to as a hangover ( Read more... )

supergirl, heat wave, damage, weather wizard, nightstar, flash wally west

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mari_grayson January 12 2009, 23:34:20 UTC
"If you're hungry, you should eat." Mar'i slides a bottle of aspirin over to her, then pours a big glass of milk. "Here. Try this first and see how your stomach likes it."


x_superkara_x January 13 2009, 18:05:22 UTC
She drinks the milk very quickly, and then takes the aspirin separately. This entire taking drugs thing will require practice. "So who are we going to visit today?"


mari_grayson January 13 2009, 18:14:40 UTC
"I was thinking the Flash, in Keystone City. That'd give us a chance to visit the Flash Museum."


x_superkara_x January 13 2009, 18:19:57 UTC
"The Flash..." She bites her lip and starts helping herself to a bowl of cereal. "I still find it difficult to believe Barry Allen is dead. How has the new guy matched up to the legacy?"


mari_grayson January 13 2009, 18:37:46 UTC
"'New guy'." Mar'i shakes her head. "To me, he's the old guy. Back in my home universe, his daughter Iris was one of my best friends. She thought it would be forever until he recognized her as Kid Flash. But he finally did." She perches on the nearby stool, swinging one leg back and forth. "I think he's great here, though I keep forgetting about calling him 'uncle.' He gets all flustered when I do that."


x_superkara_x January 13 2009, 20:21:22 UTC
"What happened to Bart-" She regrets asking almost immediately. Things from the future, whether from an alternate dimension or not, shouldn't be pried into. "Forget it. So how's Grant?"


damage_granted January 13 2009, 21:50:03 UTC
"Awake..." comes a grumbled response from the hallway as bleary-eyed Grant Emerson makes his way from the bedroom into the living room. Since Kara came to live with them, he's taken to wearing a few more clothes to bed than previously, clad in pajama pants and a Gotham Knights t-shirt.

"Morning..." he mutters, rubbing at his eyes with the back of his hand. "How's that headache?"


x_superkara_x January 13 2009, 21:55:51 UTC
"Getting better, I think." She gives Grant a wave and continues eating cereal. "We're going to go see the Flash, Grant! What do you think of the Scarlet Speedster?" She gives a smile with a mouthful of food.


damage_granted January 13 2009, 21:59:17 UTC
"Good, glad to hear it," he replies, reaching for the coffee carafe and pouring himself a cup, reaching for the sugar and dropping a few spoonfuls in.

"Hmm," Grant murmurs, taking a sip from the mug. "Honestly, I haven't had any interaction with Flash - or most of the League, really. Mar'i's been much more involved with them then I have," he adds, nodding a head toward the green-eyed woman.

He extends an arm and wraps it about Mar'i's waist, leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Morning, by the way," Grant says, smiling at her.


mari_grayson January 13 2009, 23:12:46 UTC
"Good morning." She nuzzles him briefly before returning the kiss. "Did you sleep well?"


damage_granted January 13 2009, 23:18:25 UTC
"Oh, pretty well," Grant replies, grinning back at her, his expression still vaguely tired. Kara's presence in the apartment has forced the couple to curtail certain activities, but Mar'i has assured him that the arrangement is just temporary.

Still, what kind of hero would he be if he objected too strongly to having a temporally displaced cousin of Superman under their roof?

"So, Flash, right? Keystone City... I think that's Kansas, isn't it?" he asks, turning his attention to Kara.


x_superkara_x January 15 2009, 17:42:45 UTC
"Yep. Twinned with Central City, which is only a few hops away. Using superpowers." She's finished her bowl now, and goes off to the bathroom to get changed and washed.


mari_grayson January 15 2009, 17:45:11 UTC
"Want to fly with us?" Mar'i asks Grant. "Or I could carry you...." She takes advantage of Kara's momentary absence to nuzzle a line along his jaw up to his ear.


damage_granted January 15 2009, 18:00:06 UTC
Grant glances in Kara's direction as she heads to the bathroom, then finds his attention rapidly shifted back to the dark-haired woman at his side. It's good for them to have moments like this, however, brief they have become of late.

"Mmm... I'd like to go. Class isn't for another week," he murmurs, turning his head to kiss her hair. "Maybe someday I'll get that flying thing down - for right now it's just the long-distance leaping. You sure you want to carry me all the way to Kansas from here?"


mari_grayson January 15 2009, 18:01:31 UTC
"You're not too heavy," she assures him, "and I don't mind carrying you. Not one--"

She kisses the tip of his nose.


She kisses his chin.


The final kiss is on his lips.


x_superkara_x January 17 2009, 16:09:08 UTC
"Great Rao. I leave the room for five minutes..." As she steps back in, now in full costume, Mar'i and Grant are still locked together. "Hey, why don't you two get an apartment?" She's fairly certain she got that phrase right. She'd heard something like it on Jimmy Kimmel the night before.

"So are we going then?"


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