On the front page of today's Daily Planet

Dec 09, 2008 13:28

by Lois Lane

A cosmic villain known as Brainiac engineered dozens of biomechanical copies of some of Earth's finest heroes in a conspiracy to cause chaos and destruction in multiple sites across the country.
     Members of the Justice League, the Justice Society and the Titans banded together in four cities - New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Keystone City - to repel attacks by Brainiac's legions. The so-called replicants, responsible for dozens of casualties and millions of dollars in damage in those cities, were deactivated when Superman apprehended Brainiac on his spaceship.
     Unidentified sources close to the Justice League indicate that the heroes who were replicated, including Dr. Mid-Nite, Flamebird, Jesse Quick and Gotham's Huntress and Red Hood, were innocent of any wrongdoing and in fact worked in concert with the other heroes to defeat Brainiac's armies. The sources added that the JLA, JSA and Titans were "anxious to restore the public's faith" in those slandered by Brainiac's replicants.
     A number of criminals, including Lobo, Metallo and Parasite, were also involved in the violence. With their established records of perpetrating crimes against the Man of Steel in Metropolis and Brainiac's cosmic origins, the conspiracy seemed aimed at Superman in particular. When questioned about (cont'd on page 2A)

hellhound, war games, flamebird, superman, lois lane

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