Achtung Panzer!

Dec 09, 2008 16:34

"Seig heil!" They are few, but the Neo-Nazis of San Francisco all salute as Red Panzer strides into the boardroom of the People's Nationalist Party HQ for California. Grinning to himself, he takes to the podium.

"For too long has your noble city been at the mercy of the weak among you! For too long has the government been run by the bleeding-heart liberal, the Jew, the black, the Hispanic, and the homosexual!" This generates a chorus of supportive jeers throughout the boardroom. Not all those present are skinhead-stereotypes, but wealthy business owners, "concerned" mothers, and impressionable youths. "No more! I have freed myself from Alcatraz so that I may free you of this tyranny!!"

"Seig heil!" All in attendance stand, and salute. "I have made contact with one of my fellow freedom fighters, known to many as Captain Nazi!" The grin on Red Panzer's face widens. "With injuries he survived the battle against the symbol of the Liberals, Superman, but he has vowed that once he is in full health, he will join us on our crusade!!"

Cheers throughout the room, and the gesturing from silence from the Red Panzer. "Our movement starts today! Tell your families, your friends, and all your loved ones, that the time for freedom is now! Freedom from the tyranny of America and the start of the freedom of Fascism!"

lady blackhawk, mr. terrific, red panzer, flash jay garrick

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