Achtung Panzer!

Dec 09, 2008 16:34

"Seig heil!" They are few, but the Neo-Nazis of San Francisco all salute as Red Panzer strides into the boardroom of the People's Nationalist Party HQ for California. Grinning to himself, he takes to the podium ( Read more... )

lady blackhawk, mr. terrific, red panzer, flash jay garrick

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jsaboss December 10 2008, 08:50:25 UTC
Static comes from the podium mic. Red Panzer's tirade is in full swing before the noise gets louder and cuts out his vocals.

The source of the trouble leans against the door with his arms crossed. "Whereas, I appreciate the concerns shown here, I have to say...your delivery needs just a little less rant, and a little more polish."

Terrific steps fully into the room, locking the door behind him "Luckily for you, I'm here to help. I'll let you take the first shot. That's fair, right?"


jla_alcatraz December 10 2008, 18:01:59 UTC
Red Panzer snarls at Terrific, and his loyal supporters all begin to ebb away from their seats, very worried looks on their faces. "Do not be afraid of the negro, ladies and gentlemen." He raises one of his arms, equipped with cannon. "They are like us, only more savage. And like any wild animal, can be tamed with enough punishment."

He fires a multi-headed explosive shot from one of the cannons, and begins to laugh maniacally. "Die!!"


jsaboss December 10 2008, 19:53:10 UTC
"I'm so glad you said that." Two of the T-Spheres come to life on the response, forming a laser web between them that holds the round in midair. It absorbs its velocity and then drops it harmlessly to the floor.

Terrific uses that chance to rush the podium, firing an open handed palm thrust beneath Panzer's lip.


jla_alcatraz December 10 2008, 20:28:51 UTC
"Nein!" Red Panzer cries out as his explosive round drops with a clunk, and prepares to fire another as he gets smashed in the face by Mister Terrific's palm.

Luckily for Panzer, his helmet absorbs a great deal of the damage. But it doesn't prevent his lip from splitting open and it doesn't stop the force of the blow from knocking him backwards. With a quick thought, he grabs one of the members of his "party" and holds him in place as a hostage. "For Fascism, my friend!"


zinda_blackhawk December 10 2008, 23:03:54 UTC
There's the sound of a double-barreled shotgun's safety being clicked off behind him, followed by the Southern-accented tones of someone who may well be familiar to him.

"Oh, sug. You should've thought your choice of hostage through a li'l more. One more dead follower of you ain't somethin' I'm about to lose sleep over."


jla_alcatraz December 11 2008, 17:23:34 UTC
At the sound of the the shotgun being cocked for fire, Red Panzer begins to edge his way towards one of the wall-length windows. "I beg to differ, mein frauline. You see, I do not believe you would shoot anyone alive... Not the way you shot those replicants."

He leans against the window. "So tell me. Are you going to lower the gun, or am I going to snap Herr Smith's neck?"


zinda_blackhawk December 12 2008, 00:36:50 UTC
"Then I guess you just got me figured all wrong. Because I was shootin' losers like you through the head before most of these wannabes were a twinkle in their granddaddy's eye." She grins, then nods slightly towards Terrific. "I don't mind, and I ain't makin' apologies for it. But I don't think he'll be too keen on it, though. Go ahead, sug. Your head's the biggest target in this room right now."


swiftjustice December 12 2008, 14:39:52 UTC
There's a blur of red and blue, and a rush of air as Mr. Terrific's backup moves in - vibrating the hostage out of the Panzer's grasp, and moving to stand behind Michael.

"The one thing that never changes about the Nazis is the cowardice."


jla_alcatraz December 12 2008, 18:05:10 UTC
Outflanked and outmanned, Red Panzer grasps at the air as the hostage is whisked away. And then he makes a Nazi salute. "Heil Hitler."

Red Panzer throws himself backwards through the window, and out of the 19th floor.


swiftjustice December 13 2008, 01:43:27 UTC
"Secure the others, I'll grab him."

Jay vanishes in a blur of speed, covering the distance between himself and the window in an instant, vibrating through the broken shards of glass between him and Panzer, and running down the side of the building towards the falling villain.


zinda_blackhawk December 13 2008, 22:22:50 UTC
Zinda makes a faint clucking sound of irritation with her tongue. "Got the cowardice angle right. I hope he lands groin-first on an electric fence," she mutters, turning her attention to the room at large, a determined frown on her face. "Boys, y'all better sit tight, or I'm gonna have to remind you why the good guys won."


jla_alcatraz December 14 2008, 00:16:23 UTC
Even a heavily-armoured large-sized Nazi freefalling from a building is no match in terms of speed for Jay Garrick. In the split-second he sees the Flash overtake him, Red Panzer groans.


swiftjustice December 14 2008, 18:57:06 UTC
"Counting on your heavily armored body surviving the fall, Panzer? Let's see what a little acceleration does to your chances."

Jay grabs hold of the villain, accelerating his downward run - intending to give Red Panzer the scare of his life.


jla_alcatraz December 15 2008, 00:31:18 UTC
Red Panzer looks in shock at Garrick, and shouts as he nears the ground. "Nein. Nein! Neeeeiiiiiinnnn!!"


swiftjustice December 15 2008, 04:33:14 UTC
"See you at the bottom."

He releases the Nazi, and runs past the falling form - as if he intends to let Panzer splatter all over the sidewalk.

Of course, it's only a split second later that Red Panzer will feel a sudden updraft as Jay whips up an updraft to slow the man's fall.


jla_alcatraz December 15 2008, 12:01:30 UTC
The villain is genuinely shaken up now. It's all very well falling from a building, but falling, speeding up, and then shooting back up again briefly... He throws up inside his metal faceplate. "Damn you... Flash..."


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