Somewhere out over the Atlantic

Nov 24, 2008 19:00

Kryll, but sometimes she misses San Francisco, and not just because so many of its citizens were almost Tamaranean in their attitudes. She misses the Pacific Ocean, that broad blue expanse of water by the Bay. All that space between shipping lanes, where she could fly without worrying who would be watching her ( Read more... )

supergirl, nightstar

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x_superkara_x November 26 2008, 18:05:55 UTC
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's... Supergirl!

Kara had been trying to track anyone, anyone at all, that might understand what she was going through. How she shouldn't be here. How she was "displaced" to a time not her own. Someone had mentioned Nightstar, and so she'd decided to track Mar'i to her present location, over the dark blue Atlantic.

"Hey." Supergirl slows to a halt in mid-air, hovering near Nightstar. "Room for two at target practice?" She smiles, a little nervously, at her airborne companion.


mari_grayson November 26 2008, 18:25:19 UTC
"What?" She whips around in surprise, then her face lights up with a smile. "Hi! You're Supergirl, aren't you? I heard you were here now." Politely she rises a little higher, then tosses a clay pigeon, taking care to give Kara plenty of room to take the shot.


x_superkara_x November 26 2008, 20:38:46 UTC
"Yep, that's me..." There's an inch of hesitation in her voice, but she follows it up with a smile. "It's nice that the word's starting to travel."

As the clay pigeon flies away, Kara tenses, and then blasts it to dust with her heat vision. "Lucky shot, I think." Turning to look at Mar'i, she shrugs. "Aside from my encounter with that witch the other day, I hear it's been some time since I've had to use my heat vision in anger... Even if it does just feel like yesterday."


mari_grayson November 26 2008, 22:11:10 UTC
"Kryll, that must feel strange," Mar'i says sympathetically, throwing out another clay pigeon. "When I came here, I--I already knew everyone back home was dead." She rubs the back of her hand across her eyes. "Dadro, Selya, all my friends...."


x_superkara_x November 26 2008, 22:55:25 UTC
Supergirl flies at rocket-speed into the clay pigeon, punching it out of the sky. "Difference for me, is everyone thought I was dead. Or had never existed."

She flies back to Mar'i and gives her a sympathetic quick hug. "Us confused and dispossessed types should stick together, really."


mari_grayson November 26 2008, 22:56:51 UTC
Mar'i hugs her back, grateful that for once she doesn't have to temper her strength to return the gesture. "Just don't sign any contracts with the Endless unless you're really sure about it."


x_superkara_x November 26 2008, 23:08:52 UTC
"I'll try to bear that in mind. Here," she flings a clay pigeon with her superstrength. "Hit that one!"


mari_grayson November 26 2008, 23:11:30 UTC
Nightstar races towards the clay pigeon, one arm outstretched before her ... and before she fires her starbolt, she executes a barrel roll. Just for the fun of it.


x_superkara_x November 26 2008, 23:14:09 UTC
Supergirl laughs, and pretends to tip an imaginary cap in salute. "Show off." She flies over to Nightstar, and grabs any clay pigeon. "So which hero teams are around these days? Any supervillains particularly prolific? Back in the day, Ultra-Humanite used to be pretty bad."


mari_grayson November 26 2008, 23:16:35 UTC
"He's still bad. And necrotically creepazoid." Mar'i makes a face. "The Titans--they had them where you came from, right? Had Robin turned into Nightwing yet or was he still wearing the short pants? And the JSA has been busy. Plus there's the League."


x_superkara_x November 26 2008, 23:27:02 UTC
"Yeah... All of those things were around. Clearly things haven't changed too much..." She tosses the clay pigeon. "I'm fairly certain we had Nightwing... Batman had a new Robin though."

Supergirl sighs and taps her sides. "This feels odd. I feel like I should be fighting crime or saving people or something... Luthor told me the heroes have really been slacking off lately. I don't know how true that is, but Metropolis was in a hell of a mess when I found it."

"Has anyone... uh... died? Since I disappeared, I mean."


mari_grayson November 26 2008, 23:29:37 UTC
Mar'i sighs deeply. "Yes. But not because the heroes have been slacking off--why would you believe Luthor about that anyway? Kryll!" Another scowl flits across her face. "We saved the multiverse a couple years ago. Me, Nightwing, Starfire, lots of other people, plus whatever else was going on earlier this year--I didn't have a lot to do with that, thank X'hal. I just helped with the clean-up side of things."


x_superkara_x November 26 2008, 23:40:10 UTC
"I don't know... I'm not always the best judge of character, but Luthor seemed to be honest on that occasion, and his team were genuinely doing good works." She blasts the clay pigeon she threw, with her heat vision.

"When I arrived in Metropolis those few days back, I was fighting some witch or other. And then I flew over the city to see all the destruction... Not one hero to be seen. I don't know if it was just bad timing. But it really shocked me. It's not how I remember it..." She gives Mar'i a pat on the shoulder.

"This is going to sound real stupid... But I've not got many friends here. I need someone to do stuff with. Y'know? Someone to help me integrate..."


mari_grayson November 26 2008, 23:43:00 UTC
"Do you want to join the Titans? We started up Titans East last year--we're in Philadelphia. That's not far at all from Metropolis, if that's where you live." Mar'i looks excited at the possibilities. "Or you could move! Are you going to school anywhere? I could help you study up on recent history--I still have all my notes--"


x_superkara_x November 26 2008, 23:48:12 UTC
"I... don't know. About joining a team, I mean. There's so much I don't know. So much I need to learn." She plays with her hair. "And to be honest, I've got nowhere to live. I've only just got here, and Kal... Superman's still in shock. Everyone is."

"I'm not at any school that's still running. I've not even got a human alter-ego. I'm a bit... stuck."


mari_grayson November 26 2008, 23:50:04 UTC
"Nowhere?" Mar'i looks shocked, then she sets her jaw at a determined angle. "You can be my guest at the Tower if you want. Or you can stay at my condo for a while--I have a boyfriend, but he's a Titan, too, and he knows what it's like to be all alone."


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