Somewhere out over the Atlantic

Nov 24, 2008 19:00

Kryll, but sometimes she misses San Francisco, and not just because so many of its citizens were almost Tamaranean in their attitudes. She misses the Pacific Ocean, that broad blue expanse of water by the Bay. All that space between shipping lanes, where she could fly without worrying who would be watching her.

Over the Atlantic, it's a little harder to find a patch of ocean where the Navy isn't holding war games, or cruise ships aren't making their stately and expensive way from Europe to America and back again, or cargo ships stacked with containers, or oil tankers ... the list goes on, but eventually Nightstar was able to find a place where she could hold her own private target practice without ... what was that phrase Beast Boy's fans used? "Freaking the mundanes"?

She checks her position with the small GPS unit she carries, then tosses a small object high into the air before she fires.

Pow! Dead clay pigeon.

supergirl, nightstar

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