(no subject)

Jan 03, 2008 12:06

The huge, hulking figure knows this place. It's where the enemies of that Bat were kept.

He has shades of memories regarding Gotham City, but nothing concrete. Still, he was drawn here, after he had woke up at some point up north, beating on one of them. The ones that won't leave Grundy be.

He knows he was born on a Monday. Otherwise, things are hazy. He hasn't spoken much...he's not even sure he can speak. He hasn't tried all that much since he was born.

On a Monday.

He remembers a quiet place nearby as he walks. Sewers? No, trash of another sort. He thinks...for a long, ponderous minute.

That way.

He jumps, the force of his leap carrying him a great distance. A glint can be seen off of the bottom of his thick boot, in the nearby pathway lights.

The glint of a badge.

big barda, solomon grundy, one shot

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