Night On The Town

Dec 02, 2007 21:38

The last time that Mari Jiwe McCabe and Ben Turner had gotten together, it had been by coincidence, simple and pure.

This time, it was no accident that the two former lovers were meeting again for another date.

If I really want to be honest and call it that, Mari mused to herself as she waited outside a nightclub called Lapis Lounge ( Read more... )

vixen, bronze tiger

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bronze_tiger December 3 2007, 06:07:09 UTC
Waller had been running him ragged of late but he'd managed to beg, borrow, and steal 48 hours off to himself.

And since the leg had finally healed to the point where he could move with something approximating his usual grace, it was time to go out.

New threads, a few hundred dollars in the wallet, and he was ready to _go_. The cab had to fight New York's worst traffic to get him to the Lapis Lounge but he finally made it, just squeaking under her imposed deadline.

Finding her wasn't difficult - as she so often was, she was the most stunning thing in this crowd. "Mari!" he said, waving to get her attention.


mari_mccabe December 3 2007, 07:12:06 UTC
She had better damn well be the most stunning thing in the crowd.

She was dressed that night in a form-fitting, bronze sequined minidress and a pair of bronze stiletto heels. Her Totem was, as always, around her neck, and she held a small clutch in her right hand. She looked good, and she knew it. It was the bronze. It was the one metallic shade that really set her dark skin aglow with a golden fire.

"Hey," she says, turning around to give him a full view of her plunging neckline and bright, flirty smile. "Here I was thinking that you weren't going to make it."


bronze_tiger December 3 2007, 07:18:01 UTC
Once his brain rebooted he shot her his most winning smile. He was in white tonight and ... oh God, she was in bronze.

She looked _stunning_ in bronze. And the legs that went all the way up to _there_ ... yeah.

"Wouldn't have missed it if the world was ending. Which, according to Amanda, it won't. Or at least it shouldn't." he said with a grin.


mari_mccabe December 3 2007, 07:22:52 UTC
"Because she's such a beacon of bright, bubbling honesty," Mari said lightly. You could tell by her tone, though, that there was something else underneath her tone. A barb. A bit of sarcasm. She's not the biggest Amanda Waller fan.

Mari slinked up to Ben and wrapped her arms around him, letting him inhale the spicy, oriental scent she was wearing that night as she kissed him quite very dangerously close to his lips.

"Let's hope you'd come see me even if the world were ending," she teased.


bronze_tiger December 3 2007, 07:26:42 UTC
Ben had to reboot his brain for the second time tonight. And they weren't even fully inside the club yet.

Boded well for how the evening was going to go.

He heard the sarcasm but tonight was not the night for business. "If the world was ending I can't think of any place I'd rather be." he said. With the possible exception of with his white brother Richard striving against said ending of the world - but really, Mari was more fun and _far_ nicer to look at.


mari_mccabe December 3 2007, 07:45:29 UTC
She grinned knowingly at him. She knew the effect she was having on him, and it was way too fun. She turned around in his arms, her back against his front side now. "Shall we go in, or are we just going to cuddle out here all night?"


bronze_tiger December 3 2007, 07:48:05 UTC
"Cuddling is good." he said automatically. "But I think you had mentioned wanting to go and dance?" he said with an evil grin.

Damn, she felt good in his arms.


mari_mccabe December 3 2007, 09:12:09 UTC
"I did," she said as she wriggled out of his strong, muscular arms. "I've already got us a way in. Without the line." She winks at him. It's fun, this flirting, and seeing him get all hot and bothered over it.

It's almost too much fun.

For a moment, Mari considers the fact that she should maybe ease up on him a little bit.

As they enter the Lapis Lounge, that thought goes straight out of her mind.


bronze_tiger December 3 2007, 09:22:17 UTC
Ben happily followed along, content to let her take the lead in this matter.

This? The clubs, the people, all of it? Her world. His was a darker place by far, one he'd spare her from if he could.

Tonight was his time to walk in her world.


mari_mccabe December 4 2007, 01:24:43 UTC
Walk, of course.

And maybe sleep.

If Mari was feeling adventurous enough for it, anyway.

She led the way past the bouncer and addressed him cheerfully by his first name.

Inside, the place consisted mainly of New York's elite young partying it up. There were plenty of recognizable faces around, including a few models that Mari had a specific disdain for.

Sure, the world looked bright and flashy, but at times, it was anything but. Truth was, Mari knew dark very well, and she wasn't scared of it. She'd learned long ago to let go of the fear.

"So, what do you think?" she asked as she turned to look at Ben. "I know these aren't your usual stomping grounds, but a change is good once in awhile, don't you think?"


bronze_tiger December 4 2007, 03:35:11 UTC
Ben looked around. Flashy, beautiful white people moving to skull-crushingly loud noise masquerading as music.

"Yeah." he said with a roguish grin she'd remember well. "A little change now and again's a good thing." he said. "You want to get a drink first or dive right into the pit head-first?"


mari_mccabe December 4 2007, 05:37:24 UTC
"You should know me by now, Tiger," Mari said, sidling up close to him. "I always like to start out nice and slow." She winks and leads him to the bar for a round or three of drinks.


bronze_tiger December 4 2007, 05:39:28 UTC
"That's new." he said, his voice mostly lost in the roar of the club. Still, he could use a drink or two himself, help him to relax a little. Even Zen Asskickers deserved a little downtime now and again.

Still, the first round went down nice and smooth. Ah, the wonder of the shot.


mari_mccabe December 4 2007, 05:44:55 UTC
Mari, for her part, was busy downing a flirtini.

"Is it?" she asked after her last gulp. "What do you remember, then?"


bronze_tiger December 4 2007, 05:46:54 UTC
"I remember a Mari who was passionate, who saw what she wanted and went after it, damn the torpedoes." he said. "That Mari I fell in love with." The barkeep brought him another shot and it went down just as smoothly as the first did.


mari_mccabe December 4 2007, 05:54:58 UTC
She turns to Ben, amused. "You don't like the coy, flirty, sensual thing I have going on right now?" she asks bluntly.


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