Thanksgiving at Wayne Manor

Nov 21, 2007 17:56

Historically, Thanksgiving has been a mixed bag of emotions and usually an opportunity for high drama where the Bat family is concerned. There was the year they found out about Bruce's satellite, for instance. The year Selina was first in attendance at the table ( Read more... )

oracle, batman, jason todd, holly go-nightly, nightwing, huntress, catwoman, alfred, batgirl, mary grayson

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last_joke_x November 22 2007, 02:37:57 UTC
It had been a silent drive the entire way up here. Jason gave up on small talk after the first two minutes of dark glares from Helena. He knew she wasn't blaming him for this but it was obvious that this was going to be a very interesting day.

Upon driving up and parking, Jason comes to the other side of the truck to open Helena's door. It's when actually entering the home that a wash of both old feelings and worry of what may come about that flows over him. Though a hand comes over to her own in open show of his support to her.


sexy_huntress November 22 2007, 03:07:07 UTC
Helena takes it, but only for a moment. Once out of the truck, she folds her arms around herself tightly. The idea that she's feeling highly self-conscious would be a distinct understatement.

"One word out of him I don't like and I am out of there, understand?" she murmurs as they head up the driveway.


last_joke_x November 22 2007, 03:12:35 UTC
"One word out of him and I may jus' punch him out." He says so more to reassure her that he's on her side and that this isn't something that he's taking for granted.

He switches gears almost immediately though while they make their way to the doorsteps. "If y'wanna head on out Helena, I'm not gonna stop ya. We can leave right now an I can come back later."


sexy_huntress November 22 2007, 03:30:48 UTC
"Not unless you want a stern lecture from Alfred," she counters wryly. That may be more of a deterrent than anything Jason's adoptived father could do. She knows he respects the older gentleman. She shakes her head at him. She has to face her own demons. Running away isn't going to change the inevitable. "Just don't expect me to do the small talk thing. With any luck, they'll be eating already and too busy stuffing their faces to do much else than stare."


last_joke_x November 22 2007, 14:39:10 UTC
A small kiss is placed on her cheek before they enter the home and he whispers to her just barely audible. "I'll make it all up to you tonight."

Though Alfred will give him a talking to about entering without ringing and he opening the door to greet them, Jason opens the door anyway. For the most important reason, to give Alfred a break and he not needing to mess with the smaller details.


_alfred_ November 22 2007, 14:54:05 UTC
"Ah, Master Jason." There is a wintry amusement in the old man's eyes as he stands in the hallway. "Miss Helena. Greetings and felicitations. Master Richard, Miss Barbara, Miss Mary have just arrived, as have Miss Selina and Ms. Robinson."


sexy_huntress November 22 2007, 23:01:08 UTC
Oh, God. Helena's pace slows even more, if that's even possible, as she steps inside. But there's no way to back out now without looking completely foolish. Why does the idea of facing the Mob again sound more appealing than sitting in a room with these people? Her mouth and throat feel like sandpaper.

"Alfred," she manages with a brief nod.


last_joke_x November 22 2007, 23:06:01 UTC
"Al! Long time. All cause of me. But long time." And a rather blunt and sudden thrust comes in Alfred's direction in the form of a bear hug. He's been a more robust man since his youth but it does equal to his bluntness even still. Though keeping with some demeanor that he was taught, he makes it brief.

"So are we the last to show up?"


_alfred_ November 22 2007, 23:07:54 UTC
"As Master Bruce is continuing in his traditional avocation and vocation in his customary place, no," replies the old butler. "That is to say, he has not yet ascended the stairs."


sexy_huntress November 22 2007, 23:23:39 UTC
Is it too much to hope he'll stay there?

Helena stands a few steps behind Jason, her expression not entirely unlike that of a caged animal. This was a mistake.


last_joke_x November 22 2007, 23:33:05 UTC
"Well sure someone will get his rear in gear." Though he's sure of that in every way and manner. Right now he's more concerned about Helena and how she's feeling.

As they continue further in, he starts to hear the voices within and judges who's there, though one voice is slightly unfamiliar. Which leaves a crease in his brow.


sexy_huntress November 22 2007, 23:38:35 UTC
She won't do more than keep pace with him, keeping her arms folded and her expression as neutral as possible. "I'd rather they didn't," she mutters.


last_joke_x November 22 2007, 23:48:13 UTC
A bit of a pinch to her ribs in a tickling manner and he speaks up. "C'mon an let's see who else is 'round. Y'can see how much more awkward we can make everythin',"


sexy_huntress November 22 2007, 23:57:33 UTC
That was unexpected. She makes a strangled squawking noise, shrinking away from him before she comes back to her senses and hits him with her pocketbook. The only reason she doesn't swear at him is because Alfred is within earshot; but he gets a glare for his trouble that promises payback later. "You first," she counters.


last_joke_x November 23 2007, 00:04:05 UTC
He places his arm out for her to take as they proceed to the others. He's not going to try and hide anything about the two of themselves. It'd feel as if he were ashamed of what they had. If anything it would be the exact opposite.


_alfred_ November 23 2007, 00:06:24 UTC
Alfred watches them pass, then makes his silent way to the kitchen.


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