A moment in thought.

Oct 30, 2007 23:53

Corrine has spent a lot of her time since she's been back in seclusion. She's talked to Sand and Tara so far, but for the most part she's staying in her room.

There's equal parts of reading, lying in bed staring at the ceiling, and crying. The reading she's done has been the best part of her depression. It's given her time to think, and time to go somewhere else for a bit. Movies and TV have too much going on for her focus at the moment. Hours into some new releases she's missed, she gives up the reading to go walking. The stack will wait.

Her feet wander her aimlessly about the base. She goes in a different direction when close to encountering someone. There's a glassy look to her eyes as she passes a reflection. She isn't fit to be interacting with people yet. The thing tied with her now talks on almost endlessly, and it's heavily distracting.

There's miles of beach to cover it with. It still feels weird at this time of year that it isn't freezing, but Corrine's got to remember where she is. That's a harder thing to do than say right now.

She ditches her shoes finally, probably to come back to later if she remembers it. Halfway around the island, she wades out hip-deep in the water. She ties her hair up messily. It feels slightly colder when she gets out, shorts and tee sopping wet. Without a change in expression, she continues her trek down the beach.

merlynne, caleb zukov

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