Judgment Day

Oct 17, 2007 12:04

( Fifteen minutes to the second after his first transmission ,the live feed from Guantanamo comes on.

The first image the nations that are viewing see is Brainwave, strapped to a tree in a manner that is meant to evoke images of the crucifixion of Christ.  He is by all appearances unconscious.  An off-camera voice speaks.)

"Henry King, Jr., also ( Read more... )

dr. fate, snakes and other planes, gemma masters, caleb zukov, dr. light, kobra, tefe holland, mr. terrific, merlynne, brainwave, sand, ibn al xu'ffasch, green shield, hotshot

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sand_hawkins October 17 2007, 18:52:07 UTC
Offscreen, a voice is heard.

"LIES! This man is no more the avatar of Chaos than I am!!!"

Immediately, rifles raise. Before they can fire, though, he speaks again.

"I invoke the rite of challenge to prove to all followers of Kali that this man is a fraud!"


dr_black_light October 17 2007, 18:53:52 UTC
"Do not fire." Kobra speaks calmly. The minion arming the camera moves to turn it off, but Kobra shakes his head. "The world deserves to see this."

He walks over to Hawkins. "The law that you invoke indeed exists, but you are the first to dare invoke it, as once your claims are proven wrong, you are sentenced to immediate death. Speak your peace."


sand_hawkins October 17 2007, 18:58:26 UTC
"Gladly." Sand says, loud enough so that the camera can pick him up. "In your trial, you claimed to the world that you were a bodhisattva, an enlightened being put on this earth to enlighten others. The true bodhisattva, however, by definition, is liberated from the cycle of rebirth. Yet you claimed before the world that you are the reincarnated Naga-Naga."

"Furthermore, DNA testing will prove that that body existed WHILE the true Kobra was alive, as DNA testing will prove that body to be one of Dr. Arthur Light."

"If you feel that my claims are wrong, then prove yourself to be the one true Lord Naga. In unarmed, unpowered combat. With me. Or dare risk your standing in the world to be damaged in the eyes of those who TRULY worship Kali."


dr_black_light October 17 2007, 19:00:57 UTC
The accusation sends shockwaves through the troops. Yet no one pulls a trigger...as at least the first of what Sand has said...the meaning of what a bodhisattva is...is true.

Kobra glares. "I will take great pleassssure in ending your life with my bare hands." He turns to Slyther. "On the sole condition that you allow Slyther to remove your access to your powers magically. In the interests of fairnesssss."


sand_hawkins October 17 2007, 19:02:15 UTC
"And my assurance that you won't use your powers?"


jla_kobra October 17 2007, 19:02:54 UTC
You have none. Be glad that your ruler has spared your life for this long.


dr_black_light October 18 2007, 01:07:34 UTC
"That will be enough, Slyther." Kobra says, smiling. "You know full well I cannot accept thissss affront to my rule, Hawkins. Unlessss, of course, you refussse my terms. At which point you will be executed for your attempt at dissssparaging me."


sand_hawkins October 18 2007, 01:08:32 UTC
Sand stares long and hard at Kobra. "Agreed."


dr_black_light October 18 2007, 11:55:23 UTC
Kobra smiles. Darkly.

He nods towards Magique, and her two arms are then joined by four others, crafting and weaveing a spell around Hawkins designed to rob him of his powers. This would be a difficult spell to get to take if the participant weren't willing.

His funeral.

Kobra then waves him forward.


sand_hawkins October 18 2007, 11:58:42 UTC
Sand moves in, and the battle is joined. For five solid minutes.

The man that Sand knows as Dr. Light proves himself to be every bit the hand-to-hand combatant the original Kobra was...maybe more.

He doesn't even hint at cheating...the look on Kobra's face says it all. Supremely confident.

Within minutes, both men have broken ribs and a multitude of painful areas on their body, as they move forward to fight again...

...while the whole world watches.


dr_black_light October 18 2007, 16:10:02 UTC
During minute six (which unbeknownst to the combatants is T minus 9 minutes before the US pulls the trigger on an assault force), Kobra strikes a nerve in the leg of Hawkins with an expertly placed chop, then flips him over on his back, his head hitting a rock on the ground that will most certainly cause a concussion.

Kobra is on top, pinning Sand's arms down, fist raised for final strike. "Last wordssss?"


sand_hawkins October 18 2007, 16:10:56 UTC
Sand simply stares at Kobra. Then speaks as loudly as he can.



kingofbrain October 18 2007, 16:13:54 UTC
On the construct, Brainwave's head shoots upward.

And he reaches out with his mind.

To the hundreds of soldiers gathered in the vicinity...

and he attempts to take direct control of their minds.

The coma-like trance is something Sand and Brainwave worked out a long time ago for situations such as this. With a trigger word to bring him back for just such an occasion.

Now, with a level of clarity given from the brief, yet full rest the induced coma gave him, he takes control of the mind of every soldier in the vicinity.

And, as a one, they fall unconscious.


dr_black_light October 18 2007, 16:14:21 UTC
Kobra stares in disbelief.



sand_hawkins October 18 2007, 16:17:41 UTC
Sand's mask unleashes a burst of sleep gas right into the face of Kobra. "Thank you for going above and beyond mere paranoia in making sure your soldiers would fall into comas the second someone attempted a mental takeover. Good scouting. The one thing you underestimated was the scope of what Brainwave can do. I do congratulate you on your humaneness with your minions - the old Kobra would have simply killed them."

As Kobra backs up, feeling unsteady, Sand pops up and unleashes a snap crane kick right into the groin, doubling Kobra over.

"And that was for the Black Canary, asshole. Outsiders, finish them."


ibn_al_xuff October 19 2007, 02:00:01 UTC
With Light distracted, Ibn manages to twist under the light bonds. His right arm aches, but he can't worry about that now. He plucks his sword from the ground with his left and salutes.

As an Agent of Death, he's offended that this fool would claim knowledge of her. "You claim to be a servent of Kali! You know nothing of waits beyond..."


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