Judgment Day

Oct 17, 2007 12:04

( Fifteen minutes to the second after his first transmission ,the live feed from Guantanamo comes on.

The first image the nations that are viewing see is Brainwave, strapped to a tree in a manner that is meant to evoke images of the crucifixion of Christ.  He is by all appearances unconscious.  An off-camera voice speaks.)

"Henry King, Jr., also known assss Brainwave.  You are hereby accussssed of aiding and abetting Black Adam of Kahndaq with the murder of Jeffrey Franklin Burr...my previous incarnation.  How do you plead?"

(There is silence, and the camera pans over to Kobra.)

"Let the record show that Missssster King pleaded no contesssst.  As ssssoverign ruler of the nation of Cuba, we are currently under martial law, allowing me a full range of powerssssss in the conviction of criminals, as judge, jury and arbiter of punissssshment."

"The following will be the sole tesssstimony."

(A camera is cut to a video feed of what appears to be Kobra's headquarters.  Atom Smasher is holding Kobra, while Brainwave, Northwind and Black Adam stand around him.  There appears to be conversation, which isn't heard as there is no audio feed.  Brainwave's eye's glow briefly before Black Adam plunges his hand through Kobra's chest, Kobra's still beating heart coming out the other side.   The feed freezes on that image.)

"Let thissss be entered as Exhibit A.  Assss you can plainly see, Brainwave was present for and witnessed my murder at the handsss of Black Adam, even participating by giving me a mind probe.  Although the true murderer remainssss at large, and desssspite the fact that I have been reincarnated into my current form, the fact remainssss that Brainwave is one of thosssse responsible."

(He turns towards the lifeless form of Brainwave)

"You are found guilty.  The punisssshment for murder in this nation is swift and immediate death.  Prepare to meet  your end."

(Immediately, twenty soldiers raise their plasma rifles toward Brainwave)

dr. fate, snakes and other planes, gemma masters, caleb zukov, dr. light, kobra, tefe holland, mr. terrific, merlynne, brainwave, sand, ibn al xu'ffasch, green shield, hotshot

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