The Honeymoon Period

Sep 13, 2007 00:35

Just because the base is officially open doesn't mean the workload's necessarily done. Boxes line hallways and new suites as the permanent members of Titans East move in and take some time to customize their new surroundings. Computer systems are being broken in. More paperwork is required. New emergency protocols and layouts for the compound have to be memorized. The new hydroponic gardens need looking after. Equipment needs testing and setup. Public briefings are required after a mission, and logs need filling out.

The smells of fresh paint and new carpeting, tile and rubber are still vivid, punctuating the air no matter where in the new place one might go.

Somewhere in all that, there should be time for a break, right?

Nightwing hasn't availed himself of the recreational facilities yet. The last weeks have been consumed with the fallout from the Titans' unexpected encounter with Blood and his cronies. Publically, the team is moving on, facing new challenges. Privately, each has taken the experience deeply to heart. He's worried about the effect this mission's had on the fledgling Titans East team, and on its morale as a whole. Eventually, he'll have to debrief Santana, and that's not a prospect he suspects either of them relishes. Wounds have been torn open that only time and support can heal once more. But it'll have to be done, and fairly soon.

It was a pretty personal indulgence to have a trapeze apparatus put in the workout facility, he notes; though its familiar and comforting presence is a godsend at times like this -- when he wants to cut through the swathe of mental detritus and get back to basics. It's exercise for some. For him, it's just another form of meditation.

nightwing, titans east, flamebird

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