Near Vegas

May 04, 2007 15:36

Amazing-Man pilots the airship -- fastest thing they could get their hands on. Gets them from New York to Vegas in a matter of hours. That took some sweet talking to get the government to lend it out, but hey. You save the president enough times, and they're inclined to do you favors ( Read more... )

dr. fate, wonder woman hippolyta, power girl, dr. mid-nite, firebrand, amazing man, johnny quick, forgotten, wildcat, cyclone

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Comments 40

kara_zor_l May 5 2007, 02:35:42 UTC
Kara stands up instantly. "I'll go. Anyone wanna come with?"


jla_extras May 5 2007, 20:26:08 UTC
Hippolyta thinks for a moment.

"Power Girl and Johnny Quick perform reconaissance, then, with Doctor Mid-Nite and Wildcat taking the closer look at the building."

He look is thoughtful, determined.

"Cyclone and Firebrand will be air support, Amazing-Man and I ground."

Her face grows dour, now.

"Remember, Fate is among the most powerful of us all. Take caution."


midnite_md May 9 2007, 02:46:51 UTC
Dr. Mid-Nite adjusts his goggles, scanning toward the building in question, searching for any details.

Accepting his assignment without question.


jla_extras May 9 2007, 19:48:16 UTC
"All right, then. Recon it is!" says Johnny Quick, with his customary upbeat manner. He nods to Power Girl. "Come on, Blondie. Let's see who can do the most laps around this dive before we have to hit somebody!"


tornado_mouth May 7 2007, 01:35:51 UTC
Cyclone proceeds upward, followed by Firebrand.

She's not sure what to make of this Firebrand - her disposition seems a bit different from the one she met at the Brownstone.


allstargal May 7 2007, 03:14:28 UTC
For her part, Firebrand seems focused ... seems to be taking it all in stride. She regards Cyclone as she flies.

"How you holding up, sweetie?"


tornado_mouth May 7 2007, 11:54:47 UTC
"Fine. Sort of." She deliberately forcing herself to be short of words, and its obvious. "All this timehopping isn't helping."


allstargal May 7 2007, 16:27:57 UTC
"Yeah, that mug Degaton's a drag," she says chipperly, scanning the ground below them. "I've done the 'bouncing through time thing' a couple of times, and let me tell ya, it's no big band dance craze."

She smiles.

"Gathered you're a little new at this. I'veonly been doing it a couple years, myself."


jla_goldenage May 11 2007, 18:59:06 UTC
Amazing Man brings the plane down nearby in a fairly ... well, amazing landing on desert sand.

"Looks like the future people get all the fun," he says to Wildcat and Mid-Nite. Polly and I'll be here to back you up."


catboxer May 11 2007, 23:08:13 UTC
Wildcat flashed a grin that hadn't changed in years as he cracked his knuckles once.

"Oh, one thing about Degaton, he's always got plenty of goons. Should be enough to go around eventually. After I soften 'em up some."

He was halfway out the hatch when he called over his shoulder.

"Try to keep up, Doc"


midnite_md May 15 2007, 19:42:42 UTC
Doc quickly passes him, with a slight smirk.

"I'll do my best, Wildcat."

Within moments, the duo is entering the building. Pieter's goggles are working overtime, scanning for the slightest irregularities.

This is likely to be magic they're dealing with, if Dr. Fate is involved. There can be no mistakes.


jla_extras May 16 2007, 22:35:18 UTC
The inside of the warehouse is pitch black ... although it's clean, and seems to have been in recent use. Boxes are stacked high against the walls, with markings in German ... Russian ... Japanese ... English.

Guns ... grenades ... a few electronic devices which are scarcely recognizable, even to 2007 eyes.

But toward the back is a shadow ... a sihoulette of a man, stnading very, very still.


kara_zor_l May 18 2007, 17:04:04 UTC
Reaching the finish line is easy. It's not like Kara's horribly slow at this sort of thing, being who she is. Still, though, she's a split-second slower than Johnny Quick, and that counts for a lot.

"See anything," she asks Johnny Quick, landing down next to him.


jla_extras May 18 2007, 19:21:04 UTC
"This is the dullest town in Dullsville, Power Girl," says Quick, skidding below her in a lightning-fast eliptical pattern. Ain't seen anything in ... YAAAARGHHHH!!!!!"

In an instant, it appears a bullet has lodged in his leg, leaving Quick in agony and skidding out of control.


jla_extras May 18 2007, 19:23:29 UTC
Target -- Johnny Quick. Neutralized says the disembodied metallic voice as six of the black-cloaked soldiers appear, rifles in hand. Target -- Power Girl -- prepare to neutralize.

They open fire with the now-familiar glowing green needles.


kara_zor_l May 18 2007, 19:38:10 UTC
Power Girl stands alert, screaming out Johnny's name in horror as she sees him skid out of control. She rushes after him to stop him, and as soon as she's done so, she notices that they're surrounded by six armed soldiers.

"Oh great. You guys again," she scowls, her eyes glowing red. She starts dodging the bullets, flipping and whirling in the air, using her cape where she can, but she feels herself starting to weaken nonetheless.

"Johnny, think you can call for back-up?"


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