Death by fear:

Mar 02, 2007 16:23

That hack Murmur thought that his last work was a masterpiece? The Scarecrow would show this child how to do things.


Kathleen Likken is known world over as a model extraordinare. Some might claim her slim frame borders on anorexia, but Kathleen knows this to be untrue. It's well past the borders of bulemia; Kathleen vomits most of what she eats every day. It's important, after all, for her ribs to be showing -- how else would she ever be hired for such risque purfume photo shoots?

Thus, those who recognize her think it odd as she steps into a McDonalds on a busy weekday lunch rush.... and even stranger when she orders 5 of everything on the menu.

But those who find this odd, however, find their curiosity replaced by another sensation. Slowly, a bit at a time, they begin to wonder... how can that beautiful young woman survive on such little food? She couldn't possibly be having enough to eat... not with her ribs so visible.

And soon, others in the restaurant step over to her, offering her their own food... she seems so hungry, and on the verge of death. Someone needs to help her, after all. And she accepts it, gorging herself on as much food as she can, seemingly sharing in this fear of starvation.

When she has gorged herself on a significant amount of food and regurgitates it across the table -- it only increases the fear in the room. She seems to look ill now -- she's doing what she can to stuff food into her face, but it's not coming fast enough.

So the people nearby begin helping stuff food into her mouth. Others begin gathering around... the fate of this young starving woman is central to their needs, overwhelming all other desires -- a desire to return to work, a desire to eat one's own lunch -- replacing everything with the fear that this slender woman might die of starvation at any second; only food can save her.

Others passing the restaurant see only a large crowd inside, and they begin passing it by -- too large a crowd to fight past during such a short lunch break, after all.

The food the others are feeding her is not enough... again, she vomits, and again... each time, weakening her own resolve to move. By the fifth cycle of vomiting, she no longer has the strength to feed herself -- but it's alright, because there is a crowd of people all around her, shoving food in her mouth, bite after bite after bite. She barely chews anymore.

Thus, it is unsurprising when a french fry gets caught in her throat, blocking air, but she doesn't seem to care -- she just lets them feed her more... and more... and more... and more...

So when her body stops swallowing, and when her chest no longer rises and falls with the rhythm of her breath; when the crowd, partially covered in her bile and half-chewed food, surrounding the vomit-covered model realizes that she is no longer in danger from starvation... that's when the fear toxin is finally purged from their system, broken down and digested within their bodies, leaving no trace within them.

And then, with full use of their senses... the horror of what they have just done begins to set it.

Limosophobia -- fear of starvation -- taken to lethal levels. Scarecrow couldn't be more proud.

That will show that hack Murmur. True fear -- true horror -- requires the manipulation of the actions of others.

Go ahead, Murmur. Top that, if you can.

scarecrow, poisoner's games

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