(no subject)

Mar 01, 2007 12:00

There were times when Connor Kent thanked whatever diety watched over half-human, half-Kryptonian teenage clones (and what a specific portfolio that was, really) for the endurance he'd inherited from his cousin.

Up all night, talking to Cassie on the phone, working out the plan. Then school, a full day, and a paper he'd only half-written, that he had to pour on the speed for in study hall, shattering two pencils he was writing so fast. Then chores back at the Kent homestead, including helping Uncle Jon do a full oil change on the tractor, which really wasn't anything more than holding it up while Uncle Jon did all the work, but still, it had a little bit of strain to it when you hadn't had a full night's sleep.

Which is why he was half-nodding off in the living room in front of the TV while Aunt Martha was making dinner. The scent of frying chicken woke him, as it usually did when he'd had a long day.

Now or never, Kon he thought, mopping his sweaty-palms on his jeans. And why is it fighting guys like Brother Blood and Darkseid doesn't make me this nervous?

"Aunt Martha?" he asked tentatively, poking his head into the kitchen. "Got a sec?"

meet the folks, superboy

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