Murder by numbers.. 1... 2... 3...

Jan 09, 2007 17:03

Murmur has thrown down the gauntlet. Time to meet his challenge head-on.

Jeff Ashenoff is no longer en vouge within political circles in Washington. His heavy-handed policies lost power after Luthor's disgrace, and these days, he's mostly yesterday's news. Still, as a former member of Luthor's cabinet, he still has an audience to speak to.

He's a quirky man, Mr. Ashenoff. His strong religious upbringing has led him to make sweeping policy where he can, even ignoring, at times, aspects of the Constitution which are still making their way through the courts.

But above it all, Mr. Ashenoff is a God-fearing man. He fears what God will do to this nation of sinners, this modern-day Sodom. Ashenoff sees himself as a savior -- he will bring God's law to this pagan land.

And though he has been released from the president's cabinet following the Luthor-shakeup... he still has enough clout to call a press release.

His plan, of course, is to speak out against Superman, Martian Manhunter, and Wonder Woman. Aliens, after all, with their non-Christian origins and beliefs, have no place in America. Aliens are not mentioned within the Bible ... so clearly, they must not exist. Meaning that Superman and Martian Manhunter must be of... the Adversary. And Wonder Woman, with her Pagan heritage, is just as bad.

The press has heard rumors of what he will be saying, and the reporters are rolling their eyes as they come, expecting ridiculous ramblings. But Ashenoff still has enough clout to make such announcements newsworthy, at least for the time being.

Before coming on stage, he takes his Bible and presses it to his forehead, praying to God and Jesus that his words are heard, as he does before every press conference.

Unfortunately, unlike with previous press conferences, this time, the Bible had been treated with a little something extra. A chemical, absorbed through the skin, begins making its way rapidly through his bloodstream and straight for his brain.

As he steps forward on the podium, he thanks the press for coming... and pauses. And he watches, in horror, as God allows him to see the truth.

The media -- the reporters present, the photographers, all of them -- they're all demons. And they're there for his soul.

The reporters are shocked when he abruptly pulls a pistol from under his jacket and begins firing wildly into the crowd. They scream and attempt to get out of the way. His shots go wild, winging one reporter in the arm and another in the thigh. Security is slow to act, shocked at the sudden change of behavior.

"YOU WILL NOT STEAL MY SOUL!!!" Ashenoff screams, over and over again as he fires until his gun is out of bullets. Still, he keeps firing, the empty clicking of his pistol echoing in the hall.

Security tackles him.

And Ashenoff gurgles, as this angelic figure forces him down, ready to punish him for not doing enough of God's will.

In the end, it is this fear of God which kills him as his heart, already pounding far too fast, explodes from the pressure.

And the Scarecrow watches the news and smiles.

Beat that one, Murmur.

scarecrow, poisoner's games

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