It's moving day

Jan 09, 2007 15:51

She's been poked and prodded by the doctors, questioned and requestioned by the police and is now grudgingly free to go. The doctors wanted to keep her overnight for observation, the police suggested that they'd like that as well, but considering that her health isn't in any immediate danger and she isn't a suspect for anything, they can't stop her from walking out the door. She gets as far as the ER waiting room before she has to sit down...oh so very gingerly.

She pushes a hand through her hair then smiles at the nurse who's giving her an appraising look. See? I'm fine. Really. Now go about your business of saving a life or whatever it is you do.

She knows she is in no condition to fly anywhere right now. She might end up splatting herself in to a building. She could call a taxi but she doesn't think going back to her apartment right away would be a good idea.

The mob thug made off with her laptop which helped back up her story of this being a simple mugging. Unfortunately, the laptop case also included her cell phone. The only thing the little bastard didn't make off with was her JLA comm which she always keeps in a pocket.

She pulls out the comm and looks at it with a sigh, running her hand through her hair again. After a quick mental argument with herself, she pushes the open call button, non-emergency frequency.

"This is Fire. I need a lift from some hospital in Gotham...oh and maybe someplace secure to crash for a while. Booker...Guy...anyone wanna give me a lift?"

Hopefully they'll figure it out that the only reason she'd be asking for a lift is because she can't fly herself. Which means her ego is as bruised as the rest of her. Maybe they won't rub it in her face.

black canary, batman, fire, dr. mid-nite

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