It's been a while. It's been months. Hell, it's been nearly a year. The sights, the sounds, the smells don't change. Most of the time the people don't change, either. A few new faces, a few old ones gone, but beyond the occasional upgrades in technology, the news floor of the Daily Planet remains a bustling tangle of frenzied activity. How the place gets through a day without at least one work-related injury, she'll never know.
None of that matters now.
Laptop case over one shoulder, heels issuing a staccato warning to anyone in her path, Lois Joanne Lane-Kent, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, stalks across the carpeted floor - her territory, damn it - to her desk, stops long enough to dump her belongings in her chair, and continues onto the glass-encased office of Perry White, Editor in Chief.
She's back. And everyone is going to know it, starting with this yutz occupying space in front of Perry's desk. Yanking open the door, Lois strides inside as if she owns the place, ignores the other reporter whom she doesn't even KNOW, and places one hand on the desk between her editor and her. "
A major movie star got kacked yesterday, and I'm already halfway into the draft for tomorrow's lead on the story. Good? Great."
Oh, yes. She's back.