The Investigation Continues ....

Nov 27, 2006 09:47

I shouldn't be wearing the suit, thinks Ryan Choi as he prepares to be beamed up to the Watchtower. It's disrespectful.

The news came to him quick, and he nearly collapsed under the weight of it. Ray Palmer had been his hero since he was a child ... and had honored him greatly by choosing him as his successor. But now, it felt like he was wearing his dad's suit -- metaphorically speaking -- and it didn't fit right. It was too big on him. Even with the alterations the science staff at Ivy Town had made, it still felt like Ray was looking down at him, and finding him wanting. He's not The Atom. Not yet.

He looks to his right and left at the transfer station -- Isaiah Crockett, the former Teen Titan known as Joto, and Ronnie Raymond, the former Justice Leaguer known as Firestorm. Both former teammates of Ray's, now both his students at Ivy Town University. He feels like a fraud.

And as the teleporter activates, transporting them to the Watchtower, all Ryan can think is I can't believe Ray's gone, followed fleetingly by I can't believe I'm going to the moon.

suicide notes, firestorm, atom ryan choi, joto, atom, elongated man

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