Ms IP, who shall go pseudonymous since this is unlocked (and whom I have been remiss in contacting lately) recommended these two books to me a few months ago.
Read them. No, really. I just may make them your Christmas/Birthday/Solstice/Hannukah/NY/Kwanzaa/I-care-about-you-do-I-really-need-an-excuse presents.
A long ago co-worker recommended them to me years ago as well. He gave his daughter her own copies when she left home for college. Today, she is still alive, shaken but alive, as opposed to not, and I fully believe that it is because of what she gained from reading those two books.
Mr de Becker has written other books and wrote the forward for Kathleen Baty's
A Girl's Gotta Do What a Girl's Gotta Do. I haven't read these others yet, but I expect them to also be worth reading.
But, until you (or I) get them into your hands, the short of it is "Trust your Gut, Trust your Intuition, Trust your Instincts."
My former co-worker's daughter did and is still alive as a result.