You Attract
Boy Toys!
You're a laid back chick, and the most appealing kind of girlfriend.
No surprise that you attract cute party boys and handsome athletes.
Your relationships with these guys are 100% pure fun - and very sexually charged.
The minute things get bad with your boy toy, expect him to go on to the next girl.
If you don't keep him happy with wild parties, drunken debauchery, and a convertible to drive...
Well, chances are he'll find a woman who does.
Enjoy your Boy Toy for who he is - hot sex, good drugs, and a total ego boost.
Don't get emotionally attached, let him chase you...
And always use a condom!
What Kind of Guy Do *You* Attract? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
You need a boyfriend in the worst way. You’re horny, lonely, and looking for love.
Without a man by your side, you’re adrift.
Alone on the sea without any oars.
In high school, you always had a date to the dance...
And that’s how you continue to live your life.
But this doesn’t make you co-dependent or a "yes-girl."
Au contraire.
It just means you know how to snag a man when you want one.
You date, Girl!
Do You *Need* a Boyfriend? More Great Quizzes from Quiz DivaYes. Badly. Now.
Your Passion is Pink!
You're a bit innocent when it comes to sex.
Not that you're not experienced...
You've just prevented your heart from being corrupted.
You're passionate, in time, but it takes a while for your colors to deepen.
What Color Is Your Passion? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
You Own Kind of Sexy!
You realize sexy is in the eye of the beholder.
You're confident and that's good enough!
Being overtly sexy isn't at the top of your list.
How Sexy Are You? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva I like that one, even if its bs.