
May 14, 2005 16:53


For the so-called Friday the Thirteenth 'luckless a.k.a. unlucky' day, it wasn't so bad after all -- it's just tying up some loose ends before school starts. I met Angela at school today to pick up my books, while checking the class listings, I saw a lot of familiar faces -- just ICAns milling about, enrolling themselves, as well as some volunteers who went to ICA to earn some extra moolah for the summer. That was the point that made me realize that summer really was coming to a close and I have to go back to the monotony of sleep-school-eat-study-cram-sleep cycle. As much as I hate to admit it, I do MISS school, it's just that I don't want to face the pressures of school i.e. grades.

After that, I headed over to Megamall to buy some school supplies under a happy budget *sigh*. You know, this world would be so much happier if budgets weren't created. Is it so wrong to spend some money freely without any consequences? I wish I had a million bucks, that way, I could buy all the books, pens, highlighters, DVDs, CDs, clothes, shoes and bags that I want. Food's somewhere in there, too. :P Ooh! I was finally able to use my Laking National Card as well as my Powerbooks Card. I have points now... measly points, but points nonetheless.

I also got my hair cut today... an inch shorter! Wow, big difference. Actually, I kind of like it. It's layered right now and because of that, everything just feels lighter now. It's also really compatible with the summer heat that's not exactly felt right now. My theory is the rain seems to be making up for lost time and battling everything in its way just to get that point across.

Once I got enough some rest squeezed in, I headed over to Shanghai Bistro where we're practicing for our culminating production. GAAAH. I'm just nervous about my voice cracking. Teacher Deana pointed out my weakness: I don't have control over my voice. I can go from the right tune to wayyy to sharp... and back to the average... back to sharp. *gulp* Then, we also have a pictorial on Tuesday... uhhh, okay. :s

Hrmph. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow -- the one that I skipped last week. Oh well, might as well get it over with. The land of (safe) needles is just calling out my name. Wonderfully wonderful. I wonder if the arrangement that we planned will work. @-@

On that note... LA.


Doctor's Note: I'm destined to have immunization/injection treatments until COLLEGE. Right. Just dandy. What I've always wanted. Either way, at least I'll have an excuse to get free lollipops (not that I've been receiving any, it's just a very doctor/shot-ish situation). :P

Anyway, I met Gen Par at Starbucks to work on our article for the ICAlettes (over wonderful Moccha Fraps, I might add! YUM!) and we finally finished it under 2 hours. I don't know what it is about coffee shops that just stimulate your brain -- is it the atmosphere, the caffeine-induced smell, the caffeine-induced drink, or just the thought of having caffeine? I'm just happy that I'm finally able to cross one task out of my list again.

Once I finished that, I headed over to Theater Mall and bought a pair of black stretch pants, as well as a black shirt. I've been addicted to black ever since... June last month. But apparently, I haven't been wearing them. POO. >:P Might as well wear them, though. After all, I only have a few summer days to kill.

Countdown till Soiree! <-- Culminating Production: 16 days
Countdown till School opens: 23 days (approx.)
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