Mar 30, 2011 13:21
Locking this for a few days, since somebody thinks that it'll jinx my chances to post about it. I really don't believe that, I consider this journal a diary of my life, something to help me look back and remember some day--not as a place to brag.
The second on-site interview at OmniPress went well, I think. I met with the guy that would be my manager, a future coworker and the guy I'll be replacing (he's moving laterally to another department). They asked a lot of job related and (my) history questions. Nothing odd or wired like Cathy told me to watch for. One of the guys worked at Impressions before I did, so we could talk about mutual ex-coworkers. I think they will suggest to HR that they hire me. So now I have to wait for them to talk to HR, HR to call Areoteck and confirm it, and then Areoteck to call me. I'm hoping I'll hear today, but it might be another day or two. I'm a bit worried about how much they will offer to pay me. It'll be enough to pay bills and save a bit, but I think it will be a pay cut from Laserwords.
This working 10-12 hours (between the post office and Laserwords), not getting a nap and then sleeping only 4-5 hours is wearing me out. I want a normal life again.
new job,