Hulu to start charing subscriptions is not as bad as it could be, I guess. But it dose mean I should watch everything old in my queue.
I'm working on 4 projects at the same time at work. I've got 1 project at the printer, so have overtakes to worry about; 1 project being sent to a group that needs files to put online; 1 project starting up that will require tracking, paging, PDFing, etc.; and the project I'm helping out with pouring pages for the first time (that one is on the super high deadline that has started the over time again). It hurts my head to have to switch between them all, so I've had to decide when I'm going to work on each one. And not let them overlap. It's training me to ignore emails until I decide to worry about them. Normally I have to deal with each email as it hits my inbox. That bright red badge on the icon saying I've got unread emails really bugs me. But I'm working on that anxiety.
As I said, back to over time, at least until Tuesday. So 10 hour days here and then mall shift tonight and tomorrow night. Makes for getting up too early and long days. I will deal though.
I'm trying to find a local (to my mom) florist for mom's flowers for mother's day. I feel helping out the economy up north is a lot better than using FTD or some other large chain. I've tracked down some phone numbers, now I need to find out which ones will deliver to her.
Dad is retiring soon, like next week or so. I'm not sure what he will do, probably pick up another hobby or two. I'm not sure if they will have a party for him either, hopefully I'll get enough notice to figure out how to get up there for it.
Laura, Jack and Rob are going to mom and dad's this weekend, but it was too short notice for me to make it up also. Pity, I hear Jack is walking all on his own these days.
Joining a new online game. Run by Cass and Gwen, so it should rock. I need to get the wiki and journal set up asap.
And there is the update on my life...