pyrephox You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when?" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One word answers seldom help anyone out.
First Name: Jason
Age: 32
Location: Madison, WI
Occupation: Typesetter at LaserWords, Inc. An indian owned company that has many different branches, like fertilizer creation and call centers. I work in the publishing division, making text books for mostly K-6 graders. We were Four Lakes Color Graphics, but were bought out like 2 years ago now. It's an OK job with the usual customer driven deadline stress and office politics. I also work part time at Wolff Kubley Time Center at the Hilldale mall. There I sell watches and clocks and do minor watch repair.
Partner: Paul, going on 2.5 years now.
Kids: No, someday perhaps, no plans yet.
Brothers/Sisters: One sister, one brother-iin-law (Rob), one most awesome nephew. They are all pretty awesome. I'm very close to Laura these days, which I'm very happy about. Before college we didn't have a lot to do with each other, but I consider her one of my really good friends. I wish I saw them more often and could see nepher Jack more often.
Parents: Both are alive and well. I used to be a lot closer to my mom, but they are having a hard time with the gay thing. Mostly we pull a midwestern attitude and ignore it.
Closest Friends: Right now it'd be Paul, his best friend from college Jess, her girl friend Lari and Emily (Em). We spend a lot of time playing board and card games with Jess and Lari. Emily I've know for many years and we have had many adventures. We only see each other once a week or less these days, due to schedules. I miss many of my college friends, but we are all so busy that we only get together rarely these days. I've kinda lost touch with my music friends lately too. I have quite a few friends in the gay/sports/jock group in Madison.
Pets: One mutantly large pug JP. He's not fat, the vet says he's fit and in good proportion for a pug, he's just 6 inches longer and 4 inches taller than the average pug. We plan on getting a female pug friend for him next year.,
3-5 Biggest Things Going on in Your Life:
1. Paul. Goes without saying that one's relationship is a big part of their life. Things are going well, I think. We still enjoy each other's company still. We do many activities together. There have been rough parts, but nothing serious.
2. Work. With the sucky economy and money issues, I work a lot. I don't mind the evening shifts at the mall, I get to catch up on TV online. And I'm constantly trying to figure out how to get the management at the full time job to trust me more and give me more projects to lead.
3. Volleyball/sports. Currently I play twice a week. I think every year my skills improve, which is great to see. I'm now trusted and respected enough in our gay league that I've been given the honor of coaching a team of newer players. I enjoy the physical activity and love the game. I also play softball in the summer, which I'm pretty good at. I think I'll be co-coaching a team next year.
4. Role-playing. Completely out of the blue, two of our friends (Nikki and Kristin) asked me to help them with the new D&D 4e game they bought. So my semi-gamer boyfriend, Jess (video gamer only), and Lari (not a gamer at all) and the other two lesbians are all playing D&D. I honestly had thought my gaming days were over and that I'd never play D&D again. But they are all new gamers, enjoying learning something new and fun to play with. They haven't seen it all, fought all the monsters already and argued the rules 100s of times.