The current plan is to refinance the house, since I've never done that and rate are decent now, and use the extra equity to buy a car outright and payoff a credit card or two. This way we might have a slightly higher house payment, but no car payment.
So last night we looked at my credit score and report before going to bed. My score is lower than I expected and my total debit is a lot higher than I thought. My total allowed credit is lots, lots higher than I expected too. The score is low, not bad--but low, because the reporting agencies think I have too much credit and too much of it is being used.
But we think the plan still might be possible, will go to the bank tomorrow after work and find out.
JP also is not thrilled with the cold. He is going potty a lot less. He is OK with the booties, but generally looks miserable when we go outside. Poor guy. I agree, snow sucks.
Also, made new icons last night.