Nov 06, 2008 09:22
The wiring in my house continues to confound us. There are no phone jacks in either guest bedroom / office. We do have two in the living room though. This is not conducive to me putting the new router in the office where we need it to be. So tonight I'm taking apart one of the jacks in the living room, drilling holes in the floor to get it into the office and wiring it up again. Then setting up the router. Paul is a bit worried, but I have confidence. Plus there isn't enough juice running though phone cords to give one a shock.
Still skipping volleyball tonight, still annoyed from last week. Which is kinda weird for me, I never hold grudges this long. Oh well, the break from the game should help me with perspective, or something.
Working Blades against AIDs this weekend. It's a fund raiser put on by the gay hockey league to help with AIDs research. I've never made it, as I usually am doing something with volleyball or softball. But since Paul and Jess are going, I am too. It will be fun, I'll get in for free for helping, and I don't have to skate. I am officially a hockey wife now, just call me "Sarah."
JP gets his balls snipped off tomorrow. Poor guy. I keep telling him to enjoy the humping of toys while he can.
Work is busy, the customer is stupid, and yesterday I discovered a major issue with the printing. And since I noticed it months before the print date, we can figure it out before the last minute.