Had My Flu Shot for the Year

Oct 15, 2023 10:24

While out doing the grocery shopping yesterday, I went into the pharmacy to get some stuff and my favourite pharmacist surprised me by offering me the old folks potent flu shot on the spot. She advised me to take it as they were running out and weren't sure when they would get more doses. So I took the shot.

The flu shot is something that I get every year and have done so for at least the last ten years that I can recall. Given that I'm 68 years old these days, have diabetes, and am considered immuno-compromised, I need to protect myself against the flu every year, and the flu shot is the way to do it. And given that COVID-19 is still in a pandemic form and making a resurgence with a new wave, I don't want to take the chance of getting sick in any way, shape, or form this year. My doctor's office won't be getting the flu vaccine until some time in November, likely the middle of the month, and he told me that I should get the flu shot as soon as I could. Since I am now a senior (well, I have been since I turned 65 years old), I got the high potency shot which is considered the recommended dose for seniors.

Of course, naturally I'm one of the folks who gets a reaction to the flu shot every year. I tend to get a bit of a sore throat, a runny/stuffed up nose, headache, fatigue/tiredness, and a mild fever. It's been around 18 hours since I had my shot, and guess what? I've started running a mild fever, am feeling fatigued, and have a bit of a sore throat now. Hopefully, this is the worst I'll feel during the next couple of days.

Anyway, I think I'll be taking it easy for the rest of the day and over the next few days, and treat the symptoms of the flu vaccine shot appropriately.

Anyway, time for some tea and a lie down.

flu, diabetes, symptoms, flu shot, pandemic, coronavirus, personal, health hut, covid-19, life

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