Today has been a somewhat cloudy day, with lots of moments of sunshine here in the Ottawa valley. The sun is currently out as I write this, but there's a bit of haze in the air from the smoke of the fires in the Yukon and Northwest Territories that has made it to the east, though there are expected to be showers later today that will hopefully clear the air somewhat. The temperature is currently 231oC and is heading to around 28oC, the humidity making it feel in the low 30s C. I didn't sleep well last night for various reasons and am somewhat exhausted, and my eyes are a bit red and I've got a sore throat (from the smoke from the fires, which the a/c in the house will help with) the allergies are bothering me, and I've got a bit of sciatica along with the usual problems in the various body parts. Am a mite irritable too, if I'm being honest.
I'll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon gaming group today; the players should be arriving within the next forty-five minutes to an hour or so. The Sunday players will be gaming this weekend, but not the last weekend of the month, and after that is the long Labour Day weekend, so not sure when the Sunday group will be gaming next.
The Sunday afternoon gamers will be continuing on with the
Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign that I'm currently running. They'll be continuing on with the first case file (scenario) I've got worked out (mostly) for them. I'm quite looking forward to the game. :)
In the meantime, I need to go upstairs, put my feet up for a bit, have a bit of water, or perhaps some hot tea.
Have a good afternoon, folks. :)