May - The Start of a New Month

May 01, 2019 11:42

It's May 1st. A new month.

First off, Happy May Day (or Beltane, if you prefer)! :)

April was a pretty rough month for the most part, and somewhat bad all around, so I'm kind of glad to see the end of the month and the start of the second quarter of 2019. The first three months of this year have not been especially kind to me health-wise for various reasons, and I'm hoping that changes for the better this month. ::knock on wood::

I'm spending the day relatively quietly, though there's a few things around the house I need to get around to doing. I've got some pre-generated player characters to create for both the Capharnaüm - The Tales of the Dragon-Marked RPG and the John Carter of Mars Roleplaying Game adventures that I'll be running at CanGames 2019. The convention is coming up in around 2-1/2 weeks. (Eek!)

I'll be posting up my book reads for the month of April sometime tomorrow (the 3rd at the latest), but for now, I'm just glad it's the beginning of May.

john carter of mars rpg, rpg hut, convention, cangames, rpg chat, pre-generated characters, personal, health hut, playtest, new month, calendar, capharnaum rpg

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